AOEL project webpages are live!

The Advancing Ohio’s English Learners (AOEL) project webpages are now live! Start at the AOEL landing page, from which you can explore the 3 resources created by our team:

  • Family Roadmap
  • Instructional Roadmap
  • Administrator’s Toolkit

Please note that ODEW is still making some last-minute adjustments to the English Learners with Suspected Disabilities webpage in the Instructional Roadmap. All other pages are published.

AOEL sessions at Ohio TESOL

The Advancing Ohio’s English Learners (AOEL) project team has multiple sessions at the 2023 Ohio TESOL Conference. The Activity 3 Instructional Guide session is Thursday, November 9, at 11 am. We will give an update on the project and elicit input from the audience on supplementary resources, videos and lesson plans they would like to see and/or share.

Jin-Wei Hung awarded OIA grant

My advisee Jin-Wei Hung has been awarded the International Research and Scholarship Grant for his dissertation research ‘Language Socialization and Academic Adaptation of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in Study Abroad Context’. This grant is awarded by OSU’s Offices of International Affairs, Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge, and Student Academic Excellence.

Advancing Ohio’s English Learners

The Ohio Department of Education has funded Advancing Ohio’s English Learners (AOEL), a project for which I am a co-PI. The purpose of AOEL is to create a comprehensive system of supports for English learners and their families whose school learning and engagement have been negatively impacted during the coronavirus pandemic. Belinda Gimbert (Education Studies) and Melissa Ross (Center on Training and Education) lead the four-part project. Peter Sayer and I will lead Activity 3, the development and dissemination of digital resources for K12 educators who work with English learners.

Saida Mohamed AAUW Dissertation Fellow

I am a member of the dissertation committee of Saida Mohamed, a doctoral candidate at Arizona State University. Saida has just been awarded an Association of American University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship for the 2022-23 award year. Her dissertation examines the multilingual literacies (Somali, English, Kiswahili, Classical Arabic) of three families and their five to fourteen-year-old children of Somali and refugee background living in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the lenses of literacy as a social practice and funds of knowledge, Saida explores the connections between the children’s dugsi, school, and home language and literacy learning experiences and analyze how children and parents live and understand these experiences. 

Grace Kim awarded travel grant

Grace Kim has been awarded the T&L Graduate Student Travel Grant and the ORIC Graduate Student Travel Award for the trip to present our co-authored paper, ‘Bilingual, multimodal, and collaborative sense-making in a science museum” at the American Association for Applied Linguistic Conference in March 2022.

Minseok Choi awarded TIRF grant

Min-Seok Choi’s dissertation project Disciplinary language and literacy practices for international students in architecture: Collaborative imagining through studio desk crits has been awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Grant by The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF), in the area of Plurilingualism in Business, Industry, the Professions, and Educational Contexts. Congratulations, Minseok!

ASTC 2021 panel

I am part of a session ‘Multilingualism in early childhood STEM: Developing accessible programming for children learning English’ at ASTC 2021, the annual meeting of the Association of Science and Technology Centers. I am joined by Hardin Englehardt (Marbles Kids Museum), D’nae Hearn (Detroit Zoo), and Grace Sanchez (GrowingGreat). We will share our varied experiences developing STEM programming to engage English language learners and their families and session participants with tools and resources to do so in their own communities.




Language science, pandemic edition

The ¡Aquí se habla español!: Public Outreach at COSI in Spanish team is featured on the Society for Linguistic Anthropology Blog. ‘Language science, pandemic edition‘ tells the story of how we – in particular, graduate research associates Luana Lamberti and Shawntel Barreiro – adapted our science center-based project to conditions created by COVID19.

¡Aquí se habla español! videos on COSI Connects

Check out the new videos from ¡Aquí se habla español!: Public Outreach at COSI in Spanish on the COSI Connects website. The videos are products of the Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Community Engagement Grant I have with Anna Babel (Spanish & Portuguese), Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (Linguistics), and Laura Wagner (Psychology). The videos were created by our amazing graduate research associates, Luana Lamberti and Shawntel Barreiro. COSI Connects is COSI’s Digital Doorway for fun at-home science discovery and learning. COSI is providing exciting and engaging science through COSI videos and hands-on science you can try with your family at home.