I am the chair and co-organizer (with Judy Kalman) of the Division G Section 5 Invited Symposium “Learning through participation in multiple and complex contexts: Research(ers) in North and South America”. This bilingual symposium brings together scholars working in both North and South America who study language, literacy, communication, and participation. The symposium is organized as an interactive encounter between presenters and audience. In the first part participants will circulate among the researchers’ stations and engage in dialogue with them in small groups. In the second part, discussants Kris Gutierrez and Barbara Rogoff will guide discussion of common themes that run through papers, as well as dialogue about relationships and communication among scholars who participate in multiple research communities and cultures in North and South America. The symposium is Monday morning, May 3rd, 10:35-12:05, in the Four Seasons Ballroom 4 of the Colorado Convention Center.