Some hyperlinks take you to a pdf of proofs or manuscript, others to a summary or a review or a table of contents for the volume or special issue. I have made downloadable versions of my publications available in order to facilitate access to research, and posted materials are for individual, noncommercial purposes only. Copyright and all associated rights remain with the respective copyright holders. I welcome questions, comments, and requests for pdfs that are not posted. Please email me at moore.1817 (at) osu (dot) edu. (* denotes graduate student authors)
Sari, A. P. & Moore, L. C. (ahead of print). Learning Qur’anic Arabic in a virtual village: Family religious language policy in transnational Indonesian-Muslim families. International Journal of Bilingualism, Special Issue: The Learning of Sacred Languages.
Mills, M. T., Moore, L. C., Chang, R., Kim, S.*, Frick, B.* (2021). Perceptions of Black children’s narrative language: A mixed-methods study. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools: 52(1), 84-99. [Winner of ASHA Editors’ Award]
Kim, G. J. Y.* & Moore, L. C. (2020). Multilingual families and field trips. Connected Science Learning, 2(4).
Moore, L. C. (2016). Change and variation in family religious language policy in a West African Muslim community. Language Policy, 15(2), 125-139.
Wagner, L., Speer, S. R., Moore, L. C., McCullough, E. A., Ito, K., Clopper, C. G., Campbell-Kibler, K. (2015). Linguistics in a science museum: Integrating research, teaching, and outreach at the Language Sciences Research Lab. Language & Linguistics Compass, 9(7), 420-431.
Moore, L. C. & Park, S. H.* (2014). “Something for linguists”: On-the-fly grammar instruction in a Dutch as foreign language classroom. L2 Journal, 6(1), 1-20.
Moore, L. C. (2013). Qur’anic school sermons as a site for sacred and second language socialisation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(5), 445-458.
Moore, L. C. (2012). Muslim children’s other school. Childhood Education, 88(5), 298-303.
Moore, L. C. & Joseph, L. (2011). The OSU K12 Teacher Somali Workshop Project. Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 11, 135-149.
Moore, L. C. (2011). Moving across languages, literacies, and schooling traditions. Language Arts, 89(2), 288-297. This article is part of a special issue ‘Remaking Literacies across Time and Place’. Click here for contents of the issue.
Moore, L. C. (2009). On communicative competence…in the field. Language & Communication, 29(3), 244-253. This article is part of a special issue ‘Reflecting on language and culture fieldwork in the early 21st century’, edited by Suzanne Wertheim & Jocelyn Ahlers. See the table of contents of the issue.
Moore, L. C. (2008). Body, text, and talk in Maroua Fulbe Qur’anic schooling. Text & Talk, 28(5), 643-665. This article is part of a special issue ‘The spirit of reading: practices of reading sacred texts’, edited by Laura Sterponi. See the table of contents of the issue. Qian Du, a doctoral student in FSLED, made a slideshow on this article.
Moore, L. C. (2006). Learning by heart in public and Qur’anic schools in Maroua, Cameroon. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice, 50(3), 109-126. This article is part of a thematic issue ‘The cultural politics of education and religion’, edited by Amy Stambach. Click here for contents of the issue.
Moore, L. C. (2006). Changes in folktale socialization in a Fulbe community. Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 11, 176-187, West African linguistics: descriptive, comparative, and historical studies in honor of Russell G. Schuh, edited by Paul Newman & Larry Hyman.
Moore, L. C. (1999). Language socialization research and French language education in Africa: a Cameroonian case study. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 56(2), 329-350.
Moore, L. C. (1999). Secondary language socialisation in a multilingual context: incongruence between community and classroom practice. Acquisition et Interaction en Langues Etrangeres, 1,numero special, 143-153.
Moore, L. C. & Shirdon, S.*. (2021). Shifting the interaction order in a Kindergarten classroom in a Somali-centric charter school. In D. S. Warriner (Ed.), Refugee Education Across the Lifespan: Mapping Experiences of Language Learning and Use, pp. 289-306. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Moore, L. C. (2021). Building partnerships and expanding repertoires of practice: Working with and in museums to improve informal science education for linguistically diverse young children. In D. S. Warriner & E. R. Miller (Eds.), Extending applied linguistics for social impact: Cross-disciplinary collaborations in diverse spaces of public inquiry, pp. 35-57. New York: Bloomsbury.
Wagner, L., Moore, L.C., Campbell-Kibler, K. (2021). Training students to conduct outreach in an informal science learning environment. In D. Farland-Smith (Ed.), Enhancing Learning Opportunities Through Student, Scientist, and Teacher Partnerships, pp. 179-197. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Moore, L. C., Seilstad, B.*, Ridley, J.*, & Kim, S.*. (2019). Engaged second language research: Studying stakeholders’ perspectives on preschool dual language learners’ science and language learning. In K. Childress, N. King, EJ Park, H. Wilson (Eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 2017 Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), pp. 127-143. Sommerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Sayer, P., Malabarba, T., & Moore, L. C. (2019). Teaching English in marginalized contexts: Constructing relevance in an EFL classroom in Rural Southern Mexico. In H. t. Nguyen & T. Malabarba (Eds), Conversation Analytic Perspectives on English Language Learning, Teaching and Testing in Global Contexts, pp 268-294. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Moore, L. C. (2017). Multilingual socialization and education in non-Western settings. In P. Duff & May, S. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (3rd ed.), Vol. 8: Language socialization, pp. 155-169. New York: Springer.
Moore, L. C. (2016). Moving across languages, literacies, and schooling traditions. In V. Lytra, D. Volk, & E. Gregory (Eds), Navigating Languages, Literacies and Identities: Religion in Young Lives, pp. 126-140. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Zurer Pearson, B., Lidz, J., McKee, C., McCullough, E. C., Moore, L. C., Phillips, C., Speer, S. R., Wagner, L., Zimmer, E. (2015). Linguistics for Everyone: Engaging a broader public for the scientific study of language acquisition. BUCLD 39: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 437-443. Sommerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Moore, L. C. & Smith, M. M.* (2015). Chapter 15: Science education for young emergent bilinguals. In K. Cabe Trundle & M. Sackes (Eds), Research in Early Childhood Science Education, pp. 325-351. New York: Springer.
Rogoff, B., Moore, L. C., Correa-Chavez, M., & Dexter, A. L.. (2014). Children develop cultural repertoires through participation in everyday routines and practices. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds.), Handbook of Socialization, 2nd Edition, Theory and Research, pp. 472-498. New York: Guilford Press.
Moore, L. C. (2013). Double schooling in Northern Cameroon and Central Ohio. In S. Blum (Ed), Proceedings of Learning In and Out of School: Education Across the Globe. Notre Dame, IN: Kellogg Institute for International Studies.
Moore, L. C. (2012). Language socialization and repetition. In A. Duranti, E. Ochs, & B. Schieffelin (Eds), The Handbook of Language Socialization, pp. 209-226. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Moore, L. C. (2010). Language socialization and second/foreign language and multilingual education in non-Western settings. In P. Duff & N. Hornberger (Eds.),Language Socialization (pp. 175-185). New York: Springer Reference. This is a stand-alone paperback version of volume 8 of the Encyclopedia of Language and Education.
Moore, L. C. (2010). Learning in schools. In D. F. Lancy, J. Bock, & S. Gaskins (Eds.), The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood (pp. 207-232). Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
Moore, L. C. (2008). Language socialization and second/foreign language and multilingual education in non-Western settings. In P. Duff & N. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 8: Language Socialization (pp. 175-185). New York: Springer Reference.
Rogoff, B., Moore, L. C., Najafi, B., Dexter, A., Correa-Chavez, M., & Solis, J. (2007). Children’s development of cultural repertoires through participation in everyday routines and practices. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds.), Handbook of Socialization (pp. 490-515). New York: Guilford Press. Read reviews of the volume.
Rogoff, B., Moore, L. C., Najafi, B., Dexter, A., Correa-Chavez, M., & Solis, J. (2007) Developpement des repertoires culturels et participation des enfants aux pratiques quotidiennes. In G. Brougere & M. Vandenbroeck (Eds), Repenser l’Education des jeunes enfants (pp. 103-138). Bruxelles: Peter Lang.
Moritz, M., & Moore, L. C. (2006). Mini conference with poster presentations. In P. Rice & D. McCurdy (Eds.), Teaching Strategies in Anthropology (4th edition) (pp. 1-3). Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall.
Moore, L. C. (2005). Language socialization, in Linguistic Anthropology, A. Sujoldzic (Section Ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Oxford, UK: UNESCO.
Moore, L. C. (2004). Multilingualism and second language acquisition in the Mandara Mountains. In G. Echu & S. Gyasi Obeng (Eds.), Africa meets Europe: language contact in West Africa (pp. 131-148). New York: Nova Science.
Moore, L. C. (2002). Language mixing at home and school in a multilingual community (Mandara Mountains, Cameroon). In J. E. Alatis, H. E. Hamilton & A.-H. Tan (Eds.), Linguistics, Language, and the Professions: Education, Journalism, Law, Medicine, and Technology. Proceedings of the Georgetown University Round Table 2000 (pp. 135-140). Georgetown: Georgetown University Press. Read a review of the volume.
Collaborating and Communicating with Publics: Engagement for Social Impact. American Association For Applied Linguistics Webinar, organized by the Public Affairs and Engagement Committee (July 2021).
Stories of Surviving and Thriving in Academia with a Family. Webinar organized by the Graduate Student Council of the American Association for Applied Linguistics. I presented on ‘The View from Mid Career’ (December 2019).
Museums in Service to Young Multilingual Learners: Findings from an Exploratory Project. with Rita Deedrick (COSI). Webinar for the Association of Children’s Museums (April 2019).
Somali History, Language, and Culture: A Workshop. with Laura Joseph. Ohio State University Foreign Language Publications (2013).
Somali Studies for Educators. with Laura Joseph. Online resource for educators and other professionals who work with Somali children, youth, and families.
Language learning in a multilingual country (August 2015). In Psychology Today, interview conducted by Aneta Pavlenko.
Interview about multilingualism in the Mandara Mountains, conducted by Michael Erard for his popular science book Babel No More: The Search for the World’s Most Extraordinary Language Learners (2012, pp 190 and 206).
Babel, A., Barreiro, S., Campbell-Kibler, K., Lamberti, L., Moore, L. C., Wagner, L. (2021). Language science, pandemic edition. Society for Linguistic Anthropology Blog.
Moore, L. C., Wagner, L., Speer, S. R., McCullough, E. A., Ito, K., Clopper, C. G., Campbell-Kibler, K. (2016). Outreach and engagement in a science museum. Anthropology News.
Johanson, M.*, Wagner, L., Campbell-Kibler, K., & Moore, L. C. (2015). Evaluation of a training in science education outreach course summary. Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) Report 2015-05-06.
Moore, L. C. (2006). Review of Language socialization in bilingual and multilingual communities. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9(1), 150-152.
Moore, L. C. (2004). Learning languages by heart: second language socialization in a Fulbe community (Maroua, Cameroon). Unpublished doctoral thesis, UCLA, 502 pages.
Moore, L. C. (2003). Review of Sense Pass King: a story from Cameroon. H-AfrTeach, H-Net Reviews. April, 2003.
Moore, L. C. (1999). Second language socialisation. The Clarion, Magazine of the European Second Language Association, 5(1), 43-44.
Moore, L. C. (1998). Review of Themes for today: a beginning reading skills text. TESOL Journal, 7(3), 4-6.
Moore, L. C. (1997). Toward an ethnography of second language learning motivation in a multilingual context (Mandara Mountains, Cameroon). Unpublished Masters thesis, UCLA, 80 pages.
Moore, L. C. (1995). Review of Language attitudes in Sub-Saharan Africa: a sociolinguistic overview. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 6(2), 153-154.