Dr. Zulfa Sakhiyya and I are invited speakers at the 9th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society, August 14-15. This year’s theme is ‘Integrating Multiculturalism and Literacy in the Educational Landscape’. My department had the honor of hosting Zulfa as a Fulbright Scholar last year. Our ICEM talk, ‘Faith literacies in multilingual context’, grows out of our collaborative exploration of Qur’anic schooling in diverse settings.
AAAL 2024 colloquium
Monique Mills (U Houston) and I organized a colloquium for the 2024 meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) in Houston. We were joined by Amy Lerman(The Parish School) and Jeannette Alarcón and Eunjeong Lee (U Houston) in our discussion of Supporting Black Children’s Language, Literacy, and Joy: Creating Space for Researcher-Practitioner Dialogue.
AOEL sessions at Ohio TESOL
The Advancing Ohio’s English Learners (AOEL) project team has multiple sessions at the 2023 Ohio TESOL Conference. The Activity 3 Instructional Guide session is Thursday, November 9, at 11 am. We will give an update on the project and elicit input from the audience on supplementary resources, videos and lesson plans they would like to see and/or share.
BAAL 2023 symposium
Artanti Sari and I are presenting today at the 56th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) at the University of York. We are part of the symposium ‘The Learning of Sacred Languages’, which features papers from a forthcoming special issue of the International Journal of Bilingualism, edited by Bene Bassetti. Our paper examines the use of digital spaces by transnational Indonesian-Muslim families to support their children’s Qur’anic Arabic language and literacy development.
AMI 2023 workshop on Language Socialization
Together with Min-Seok Choi (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Grace Kim (Bucknell University), and Jackie Ridley (Kent State University), I facilitated a workshop for the 2023 Advanced Methods Institute: Advancing Qualitative Inquiry toward Innovation, Equity, Diversity, & Justice. In our workshop ‘Language Socialization Research and Social and Linguistic Justice’, we introduced participants to the paradigm, explored research methodology, and discussed the on-going shift in the field toward being more directly and explicitly engaged with issues of social and linguistic justice.
AERA 2023 paper & symposium
AERA 2023 in Chicago is wrapping up today. I am part of 2 symposia. I am the discussant for the symposium Illuminating Sociality and Learning in Diverse Educational Environments by Interrogating Movement, Touch, and Affect, organized by Sarah Jean Johnson (UTEP) and Ananda M. Marin (UCLA). I am second author on Jackie Ridley’s (Kent State) paper “¡Mira, the coche has wheels!” Supporting young children and families’ translanguaging through informal science’. The paper is part of a symposium organized by Jackie and Lindsey Rowe (Clemson U), In Supporting Children and Families in Early Childhood Education Contexts Through Translingual Practices and Pedagogies.
U Cambridge workshop
End of this month I will be a panelist and participant in a workshop focused on Language Learning in/as Religious Education. Dr. Artanti Sari and I will present together on Qur’anic Arabic learning in digital spaces. The workshop is the 3rd part of a series of events hosted by the Cambridge Interfaith Programme at the University of Cambridge. We will reflect on approaches, methods, and next steps in the research and teaching of religious languages. We will discuss the core questions: (1) What have we learned about how and why people teach and learn religious languages? (2) What do we do with that learning? (3) How does interdisciplinary discussion about such research impact our own work as teachers and/or researchers? This workshop will be of interest to educators, researchers, and practitioners of religious languages and literacies. We welcome participation and insights from attendees drawing from their own experiences with religious languages and literacies. This hybrid workshop takes place, Monday, 27 March, 2023, 13:15 to 16:45 GMT. For more information and registrations, click on the link above.
U of Cambridge Interfaith Week webinar
As part of University of Cambridge’s 13th World Interfaith Harmony Week programming, we are holding a webinar Language Learning in/as Religious Education on February 2, at 15:45 GMT. I will join Adel Mozammel (Darul Ihsan School), Anastasia Badder (Cambridge U), Jo-Ann Myers (Leo Baeck Institute), and Youmna Helmy (Cambridge U) to explore how religious communities draw on language as a semiotic resource aimed at specific goals, and how different methodologies can reveal aspects of the aims, processes, factors, and outcomes of sacred language learning and use. The event is free, just register in advance to get the Zoom link.
6th FLRT Symposium
ASHA webinar with Monique Mills
Dr. Monique Mills and I will present a live webinar Perceptions of Narrative Quality in School-Age African American English (AAE) Speakers on December 22. The audience is school-based Speech-Language pathologists who work with African American children. We will explore variation in narrative practices common within AAE-speaking communities and discuss widely held beliefs about narrative language and its variation, how these beliefs affect clinical practice, and insights from research into how SLPs can expand our narrative language assessment practices to be more inclusive of culturally based narrative variation.