AOEL project webpages are live!

The Advancing Ohio’s English Learners (AOEL) project webpages are now live! Start at the AOEL landing page, from which you can explore the 3 resources created by our team:

  • Family Roadmap
  • Instructional Roadmap
  • Administrator’s Toolkit

Please note that ODEW is still making some last-minute adjustments to the English Learners with Suspected Disabilities webpage in the Instructional Roadmap. All other pages are published.

New IJB article with Artanti Sari

Artanti Sari and I have a new article in the International Journal of Bilingualism. ‘Learning Qur’anic Arabic in a virtual village: Family religious language policy in transnational Indonesian Muslim families‘ examines how two Indonesian Muslim families in the United States used digital technology to support their children in learning Qur’anic Arabic in translocal and transnational contexts in which to connect with family, friends, Qur’anic Arabic educators, and voluntary kin. Our article is part of a special issue on sacred language learning, guest edited by Bene Bassetti.