By: Garth Ruff, OSU Extension
The Ohio Department of Agriculture Working Lands Buffer Program allows for forage to be grown and harvested from field edge buffers in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Join OSU Extension, Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, and your local Soil and Water Conservation Districts to learn about the Working Lands Program.
Topics to be covered at these field days include: Soil Fertility ~ Seed Bed Preparation ~ Forage Species Selection ~ Seeding Methods ~ and More!
Field Days will be held at various locations throughout the Western Basin watershed.
Putnam County: July 18 – 8778 Road G Leipsic. Jeff Giesige 419-523-5159
Sandusky/Ottawa County: August 14 – 2086 S Woodrick Rd, Oak Harbor. Allen Gahler 419-334-6340
Crawford County: August 15 – Location TBA. Jason Hartsuch 419-562-8731
Henry County: August 20 – G214 Co. Rd 12 Holgate. Garth Ruff 419-592-0806
Hancock County: August 22 – 19178 Twp Rd 65 Jenera. Gary Wilson 419-348-3500
All Field Days Will Begin at 4:00 p.m.
For those unfamiliar with the program, earlier this spring the Ohio Department of Agriculture announced a new conservation program entitled the “Ohio Working Lands Buffer Program” to establish year-round vegetative cover on eligible cropland in the Western Lake Erie Basin Watershed.
Land owners can receive annual payments for maintaining and harvesting hay and forage on land that acts as a buffer on cropland to provide another line of defense to filter surface water. Only cropland acres where sediment and nutrients have the potential to be transported from the field and enter environmentally sensitive areas are eligible for the program.