Open By Appointment Only

Because Greene County has moved to a RED STATUS county, The Ohio State University Extension Office of Greene County will be open to the public by appointment ONLY on Mondays and Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. until further notice.

ALL Staff are available by phone or email unless they are on vacation or sick leave. Staff members will rotate days in the office to assist clientele.  Some staff are still teleworking, so it is best to call ahead if you plan to meet with a specific person.  Some staff are in the office on days the office is not physically open for appointment only services.  If you need to pick things up or have something to drop off, you can also call in advance and we can make arrangements to meet you outside the building, if preferred.   If you need to order 4-H project books, please call ahead with the order, we will contact you when they are ready, and then you can schedule an appointment for pick-up.

There is also a secure drop-box located outside our main entrance to drop off items when the office is not physically open.

Per OSU guidelines, we can only have one client at a time in the office and guests will be required to wear a mask. If you have any symptoms of illness or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please refrain from coming to the office at this time.

For appointments, call 937-372-9971

Click here for list of Staff emails and phone numbers.

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