Attend the Virtual National Youth Summit on Healthy Living

National 4-H Summit for Healthy Living: This year the National 4-H Summit for Healthy Living is going virtual!

Target audience: high-school age youth and adult participants

 Dates: February 12-15, 2021

Times: Friday 6-9pm; Saturday 1-4pm; Sunday 1-4pm; Monday 12-3pm

Cost: An Ohio 4-H Foundation grant will cover your $75 registration cost, with the following expectations:

  • Commit to attending the summit
  • After the summit, work with your 4-H Educator to identify a health need in your community and create and complete an action plan to address this need.
  • We will also plan to have times when Ohio participants can meet virtually after the Summit for additional educational sessions and sharing.

If you are interested in attending email Brandy at by noon THIS Thursday, January 28.

Other information

Participants will receive a follow-up email to select one track; they will remain in this track throughout the summit (that is, select workshops from that track). There are choices of workshops within the track.


  • Food Insecurity
  • Health Equity
  • Physical Fitness
  • Substance Abuse
  • Nutrition
  • Mental Health
  • Adult Track for professional development




Refresh Your Wellness this Spring

Join the Live Simply, Live Well: Refresh Your Wellness Spring Challenge

For many, springtime is a perfect time to refresh.  This on-line challenge will help you improve your health by encouraging ways to add regular movement, mindfulness techniques and healthy eating into your lifestyle.  Participants learn ways to simplify their schedules and to embrace positivity.

During this 6-week challenge you will receive twice-weekly emails with healthy living tips and encouragement to help you make the most of this spring season.

Sign up for the Spring Refresh: