2023 Skillathon Practice Dates

LIVESTOCK SKILLATHON PRACTICE will be held on the following dates in the 4-H Hall. Members can review information using hands on learning kits. We ask that any member under the age of 16 be accompanied by a parent/guardian or club advisor. Below are the dates and times of the Skill-a-thon practice sessions.

June 6,  6pm-8pm
June 15,  6pm-8pm
June 20, 1pm-5pm
June 29, 1pm-5pm 

Jerry Krebs Honorary Scholarship

In an effort to honor the volunteerism of Jerry Krebs and to recognize the youth of Clermont County, the Clermont County 4-H Advisory Committee has put forth the Jerry Krebs Honorary Scholarship.  The purpose of this scholarship is to financially assist high school seniors, and/or first year graduates who are continuing their education at an accredited institution in any field. This scholarship is open to Clermont County, Ohio 4-H members. This is a nonrenewable scholarship awarded in the amount of $500.

Completed applications must be postmarked by June 9, 2023

For the Application and Guidelines for the Jerry Krebs Honorary Scholarship please click the link:

Jerry Krebs Scholarship_2023_Application and Guidelines




Clermont County Fair Rabbit Costume Contest

Ruff’N Stuff 4-Hers is sponsoring a Rabbit Costume Contest! Join the fun by entering your rabbit(s)!

Creative costumes and themed human/rabbit costumes are encouraged. Contest and awards will take place on Friday, July 28th at 4:00pm!


➢ No registration this year. Please arrive at the Rabbit Barn at 4 pm. Leave your rabbit in it’s cage until your age category is called up. We will give you time to dress your rabbit.
➢ Only Clermont County barn registered rabbits are eligible for the costume contest.
➢ Costumes must be safe and comfortable for the rabbits.
➢ The first 50 entrants will receive a participation ribbon.
➢ First place winners will receive a trophy. One winner in each category. Categories based on human’s age.
▪ Category #1 | 9 and under
▪ Category #2 | 10 and 11
▪ Category #3 | 12-14
▪ Category #4 | 15-18
▪ Category #5 | Adult
➢ Judges will be looking for 3 criteria: Originality, Creativity, and Pizazz!
➢ Winners will be announced as soon as the contest is complete.
➢ Judge’s decisions will be final.

2023 Rabbit Costume Contest Flyer

Contact Brenda Bayne with questions bjbayne@fuse.net.


Super Saturday Project Clinic

The following project clinics will be offered on Saturday April 29, 10 am.-noon. Check in will be in the 4-H Hall. Project clinics are designed to help members complete their projects and prepare for judging.

There will be a $5 fee for all sessions.

  • Sewing
  • Art: Materials will be provided to complete several projects from Get Started in Art.
  • Fishing
  • Cooking
  • Cake Decorating

Please rsvp by April 26th  to mahon.70@osu.edu

We hope to see you there!

Equine Club and Jerry Krebs recognized at the Ohio 4-H Conference

The Equine Club and longtime 4-H volunteer, Jerry Krebs were recognized at Ohio 4-H Conference this past weekend.

The Equine Club was one of 3 clubs statewide to receive the Ohio 4-H Community Service Award. Their work organizing hot meals, showers and nonperishable food distribution to families affected by the 2022 Goshen tornadoes did not go unnoticed.

Longtime Clermont County volunteer, Jerry Krebs was awarded the Meritorious Service Award. This award recognizes adult 4-H volunteers for long-term meritorious service. Jerry’s 54 years of hard work and dedication to the Clermont County 4-H Program made him the perfect honoree.

The Ohio 4-H Conference is the largest gathering of 4-H volunteers in the United States. Over 1,000 4-H volunteers and teens from across Ohio’s 88 counties participate each year. This year’s attendees had the opportunity to receive training in more than 120 different areas of interest such as career exploration, risk management, leadership, animal sciences, health and wellness, culinary arts and more.

These individuals dedicated their time, energy and passions to Making the Best Better. We are proud to have them as part of Clermont County 4-H!


Clermont County Rabbit Fun Show

Mark your calendars for the Clermont County Rabbit Fun Show: Sunday, April 23rd, 2023, in the 4-H Hall, located on the Clermont County Fairgrounds.  Registration will begin at 12:00pm and the Show at 1 :00pm.  Trophies & Ribbons will be awarded.

Rabbit Show $1/entry
Showmanship $1/child

Get your rabbit tattooed!!
Bogan’s Cage and Supply will be set up!

Any Questions please call Bonnie Bogart at 513-734-1233.

2023 4-H Volunteer Training Opportunities

It’s time to start a new 4-H year!  Below is a list of volunteer training options along with the registration links.  All returning volunteers are required to attend ONE training in order to remain active.   Both the in-person and live virtual training options satisfy the training requirement. Registration is due by Monday, February 13, unless stated otherwise.

Training Options for Returning 4-H Volunteers

  • 4-H Horse Advisor/Volunteer Training
    Saturday, January 28, 9:00a.m.-4:30 p.m., Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center

    Cost: $40 (includes boxed lunch from City BBQ)
    Topics include: Program updates, mental health first aid resources for youth, equine respiratory diseases, tack & equipment, Ohio 4-H horse show classes, and Activities and Programming with Minor Participants (policy 1.50)
    Pre-registration is REQUIRED, registration deadline is Friday, January 13. The event schedule and registration link can be found online at:
  • 4-H Volunteer Training (In-person)
    Monday, February 20, 10:00 a.m., 4-H Hall
    Topics include: 4-HOnline 2.0, club finances, program management, and Activities and Programming with Minor Participants
    Click here to register
  • 4-H Volunteer Training (In-person)
    Monday, February 20, 6:30 p.m., 4-H Hall

    Topics include: 4-HOnline 2.0, club finances, program management, and Activities and Programming with Minor Participants
    Click here to register
  • 4-H Volunteer Training(Live Virtual Training)
    Wednesday, March 1, 6:30 p.m., Zoom

    Topics include: 4-HOnline 2.0, club finances, program management, and Activities and Programming with Minor Participants
    Click here to register here
  • Ohio 4-H Conference
    Saturday, March 11, 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m., Greater Columbus Convention Center
    Cost: $40 (includes lunch and 50% will be reimbursed by 4-H Committee)
    Registration is due to the Extension Office by Wednesday, February 8.  Event details and registration can be found at the link below:
    * Volunteers must attend session 407 or 518 for attendance to be counted toward volunteer training requirement

Training Options for New 4-H Volunteers

  • New Volunteer Orientation
    Thursday, March 9, 6:30 p.m., 4-H Hall
    Topics include: About 4-H, Volunteerism, Club Management, Working with Youth, Risk Management, and Activities and Programming with Minor Participants
    Click here to register here

Accepting 2023 Camp Counselor Applications

We are now accepting 4-H Camp Counselor Applications!

Youth from Clermont and Hamilton Counties, ages 15-18 (as of January 1) are eligible to apply.

Camp will be held June 14-17, at 4-H Camp Graham, located in Clarksville, Ohio.

Click the link below for more details and to access the application.  Applications are due by 11:59p.m. on Sunday, January 22.

2023 Clermont/Hamilton Camp Counselor Application

Margaret Jenkins Wins Prestigious Family and Consumer Sciences Award!

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, during The Ohio State University Extension’s Annual Conference, Margaret Jenkins was awarded the Marilyn R. Spiegel Excellence in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Award.

Since joining Extension in 2006, Jenkins has done educational programming that has reached over 15,000 youth and adults in group settings and one-on-one coaching. Jenkins has worked tirelessly to develop, update, and adapt curriculum to meet the needs of a variety of audiences throughout the county.

In addition to her role as an FCS educator, Jenkins provides excellence leadership in a variety of roles. She has been chosen to lead as president of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences- Ohio Chapter, treasurer of the National Extension Dining with Diabetes Working Group, and faculty chair of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. She also serves on a variety of volunteer boards and organizations throughout Clermont County.

Jenkins has proved throughout her many years as a part of Ohio State University Extension to be a true leader, and valuable collaborator in our Extension Office. Her work embodies all five Extension Keys of trust, inclusion, care, adaptability, and efficiency.

Congratulations Margaret, we are blessed to have you in our county!

New to 4-H? Join the club!

4-H enrollment season is here! Registration for the Clermont County 4-H program is due by March 15.

4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun through experiential learning. In 4-H, young people make new friends, develop skills, become leaders and assist in shaping their communities.

4-H gives youth a chance to pursue their own interests – from photography to computers to cake decorating, from building rockets to raising sheep.  4-Hers go places – to camp, to fairs, to state and national conferences and competitions. They learn to be leaders and active citizens.

Clermont County has nearly forty 4-H clubs, specializing in home economics, leadership, shooting sports and animal science. Through individual and group projects, 4-H instills integrity, service, leadership and personal growth in youth. To view a list of projects and resources, please visit ohio4h.org/familyguide.

To be a 4-H member, a child must be age 8 and in the third grade. Youth ages 8-18 (age as of January 1 of the current year) are eligible to participate in 4-H. For younger children (age 5 and in Kindergarten), Clermont County offers a program called 4-H Cloverbuds.  Cloverbuds participate in non-competitive activities exploring a variety of fun, hands on interest areas.  Accommodations can be made for youth with disabilities through our Winning 4-H Plan.

New Families will need to create a new profile following the instructions below.

New Member Enrollment Help Video

Step-by-Step Instruction Guide for New Members

If you are looking for a new project or still trying to decide what to take, check out the “What’s your 4-H?” Quiz!

To learn more about 4-H or to find a club in your area and advisor contact information, please visit our website, or contact the extension office at 513-732-7070.