Market Steer Weigh in & Market Turkey Order Rescheduled!!!!!

Due to the amount of snow at the fairgrounds, extreme cold temperatures and the incoming predicted weather Clermont County Junior Fair Board is rescheduling the Market Beef weigh-ins and Market Turkey ordering that was scheduled for this Saturday, January 11th.

The new date will be Saturday, January 18th from 8am-10am.

*ATTENTION Market Beef Exhibitors, if your animal needs to be tagged on Saturday, Junior Fair will be charging $3.00 per tag.

This addition comes because rising tag prices and the Ohio Administrative Code mandate that by 2027 all exhibition cattle and swine be tagged using EID/RFID tags. Any animal without an existing EID/RFID tag will need to be re-tagged on Saturday. They will be charging $3.00 for new tags as well as any tags that will need replaced throughout the year.

If your market beef already has an EID/RFID tag, DO NOT cut it out. That tag will be recorded and used as the ID for the animal. 

Market Beef Registration: 

  • Market beef projects must be registered on FairEntry by Friday, January 17th.
  • FairEntry is not synched with 4H online (due to 4-H Enrollment open until March 15TH), you will have to create a new account if you have logged in previously using 4H Online.
  • Please use the steps below to complete Market Beef Registration. Steps:

  1. Go to to create an account
  2. Click find your fair
    1. Enter Clermont County
    2. Select 2025 Clermont County Junior Fair
  3. Once you enter your email and create a password
  4. Enter your personal information
  5. Then “add an entry”
    1. Select “beef”
    2. Select “market beef”
    3. Select steer or heifer
    4. Select your club then “add animal”.
  6. Once all animals are entered, “continue” through the payment screens until you get to “submit” button
  7. Check the consent box and be sure to hit “submit”.

Market Turkey Orders: 

  • Market Turkey ordering in the Senior Fair Board office from 8am-10am.
  • Turkeys are $50. Must be ordered on this day, only day to order Market Turkeys.
    • Cash or check accepted.
  • You may also order Market Chickens this day as well. Chickens price is $25, but the price could be different, will post as soon as we get a confirmation.

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