Due to the amount of snow at the fairgrounds, extreme cold temperatures and the incoming predicted weather Clermont County Junior Fair Board is rescheduling the Market Beef weigh-ins and Market Turkey ordering that was scheduled for this Saturday, January 11th.
The new date will be Saturday, January 18th from 8am-10am.
*ATTENTION Market Beef Exhibitors, if your animal needs to be tagged on Saturday, Junior Fair will be charging $3.00 per tag.
This addition comes because rising tag prices and the Ohio Administrative Code mandate that by 2027 all exhibition cattle and swine be tagged using EID/RFID tags. Any animal without an existing EID/RFID tag will need to be re-tagged on Saturday. They will be charging $3.00 for new tags as well as any tags that will need replaced throughout the year.
If your market beef already has an EID/RFID tag, DO NOT cut it out. That tag will be recorded and used as the ID for the animal.
Market Beef Registration:
- Market beef projects must be registered on FairEntry by Friday, January 17th.
- FairEntry is not synched with 4H online (due to 4-H Enrollment open until March 15TH), you will have to create a new account if you have logged in previously using 4H Online.
- Please use the steps below to complete Market Beef Registration.
FairEntry.com Steps:
- Go to FairEntry.com to create an account
- Click find your fair
- Enter Clermont County
- Select 2025 Clermont County Junior Fair
- Once you enter your email and create a password
- Enter your personal information
- Then “add an entry”
- Select “beef”
- Select “market beef”
- Select steer or heifer
- Select your club then “add animal”.
- Once all animals are entered, “continue” through the payment screens until you get to “submit” button
- Check the consent box and be sure to hit “submit”.
Market Turkey Orders:
- Market Turkey ordering in the Senior Fair Board office from 8am-10am.
- Turkeys are $50. Must be ordered on this day, only day to order Market Turkeys.
- Cash or check accepted.
- You may also order Market Chickens this day as well. Chickens price is $25, but the price could be different, will post as soon as we get a confirmation.