Ruff’N Stuff 4-Hers is sponsoring a Rabbit Costume Contest! Join the fun by entering your rabbit(s)!
Creative costumes and themed human/rabbit costumes are encouraged. Contest and awards will take place on Friday, July 30th at 6:00pm!
➢ Registration will take place during rabbit check in – Saturday, July 24th, 9:00-11:00am and will continue until
Friday, July 30th, 12:00pm.
➢ Only Clermont County barn registered rabbits are eligible for the costume contest.
➢ Costumes must be safe and comfortable for the rabbits.
➢ The first 50 entrants will receive a participation ribbon.
➢ First place winners will receive a trophy. One winner in each category. Categories based on owner’s age: Beginner (9 and under), Junior (10 and 11), Intermediate (12-14), and Senior (15 -18). There is also an Adult Category!!
➢ Judges will be looking for 3 criteria: Originality, Creativity and Pizazz!
➢ Winners will be announced as soon as the contest is complete.
➢ Judge’s decisions will be final.
Contact Brenda Bayne with questions
The Rabbit Costume Contest is IN PERSON this year! The Contest will be on Friday, July 30th at 6:00pm in the Rabbit/Poultry Barn!