Are you a 4-H member interested in learning more about sewing?
Join the Zoom clinic series presented by 4-H Master Clothing Educator volunteers from across the state. You will expand your sewing knowledge and learn skills to help you with your projects.
Attend all of the sessions or just the ones that interest you.
April 29, 7-8 pm: Picking Patterns, taking measurements, and selecting fabric and notions
May 5, 7-8 pm: Laying out your pattern, how to pin, how to use shears and grainline May 18, 7-8 pm: Seam finishes and directional sewing tips
June 9, 2021 & June 15, 7-8 pm: Zippers, closures and hems
Register at:
You will receive an email with a Zoom link one day prior to each session.