Office of International Affairs (OIA) Enrichment Grants Available

This is a reminder that the Office of International Affairs (OIA) is accepting applications from Ohio State faculty and undergraduate & graduate students for its 2015 International Academic Enrichment Grant competition. These grants seek to support international activities related to faculty and student international research, the development of new education abroad programs, and research activities through Ohio State’s China Global Gateway. The Office of International Programs in Agriculture would appreciate if you would pass this announcement on to faculty and students in your respective departments who have an interest in international research and learning.

Please visit OIA’s grant webpage for more specific information related to award amounts, application requirements, and the review process. The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

Thank you again for passing this reminder along and for your continued commitment to engage faculty and students in international agriculture and environmental sciences.

Kresge Foundation Funding Opportunity

The Kresge Foundation seeks to support and accelerate local efforts that successfully use food as a platform for health, economic development and cultural expression, creating co-benefits for all – particularly low-income residents and families.

Fresh, Local & Equitable: Food as a Creative Platform for Neighborhood Revitalization

Kresge invites proposals from organizations and collaborations leading mission-driven food initiatives in economically distressed urban neighborhoods. Kresge intends to award up to 20 planning grants of up to $75,000 each in the first quarter of 2016. Planning grants can last up to 12 months, and awardees will have the opportunity to apply for implementation funding by the end of 2016.

Complete proposals are due on January 15, 2016.