EPA Revises the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)

From Mary Ann Rose

WPS was first released in 1992 and protects agricultural workers and pesticide handlers at farms, forests, nurseries and greenhouses. A revised rule was signed on September 28 by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Barbara McCarthy. This 2015 revision is a comprehensive overhaul of the existing rule and the result of extensive stakeholder input over the past 10 years. The revised rule is expected to significantly reduce pesticide exposure incidents, and is intended to give farm workers a level of protection from pesticides that is directly comparable to industrial worker protection afforded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) hazardous chemical regulations. The new rule will be published in the federal register later this fall and will take effect 60 days later.

The changes are comprehensive. Pesticide handlers and early-entry workers now must be 18 years of age or older. Training content has been expanded to include new material. The grace period for new employees is eliminated, and workers must now receive training before they enter an area that has been treated with a pesticide with WPS labeling in the last 30 days. Agricultural workers must receive annual training instead of every five years, and a record of training must be kept. Being a pesticide handler no longer qualifies an individual to train workers; worker trainers must be certified applicators, EPA/Federal/Tribal approved applicators, or have completed an EPA-approved train-the-trainer course.

There are new mandatory posting requirements if the pesticide restricted entry interval (REI) exceeds 48 hours for outside applications, or four hours for applications in enclosed spaces. Previously, only greenhouses were required to post signs at treated areas and other growers could choose between oral warnings or posting signs. Also, worker exclusion zones of up to 100 feet away from the application area may be required depending on the type of application; previously, exclusion zones only applied in greenhouses and nurseries. Required amounts of decontamination supplies per worker or handler are now specified. When respirator use is required by the labeling, training, medical evaluation, fit testing, and record-keeping will be required (same as the OSHA requirement).

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) now must be posted with pesticide application information at the central display location, and the specific pesticide application information must be retained for two years after the REI expires. The pesticide application records are to be made available to workers, handlers, designated representatives, or medical personnel upon request.

The farm owner exemption has been expanded to include all in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and first cousins.

The EPA’s draft compliance schedule indicates that most changes will be required a year after the rule’s effective date; the annual training with updated content will be required after two years. The “How to Comply” manual, which is a key reference for owners and managers, is projected to be available next spring; the worker training materials (videos, manuals, workbooks, PowerPoints) are not expected to be available until mid-2017. For more information on the 2015 revisions to WPS, see the EPA website www2.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/revisions-worker-protection-standard

Mary Ann ‘Mimi’ Rose, Ph.D.
Director, Pesticide Safety Education Program
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Ohio State University Extension
308 Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Ct., Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 247-7489
website: http://pested.osu.edu

Beat Michigan Blood Battle

Bleed scarlet and gray? Show your OSU spirit by donating blood at Agricultural Administration Building on Thursday, November 5 from 10am to 4pm. Your donation will help us beat Michigan in the 33rd annual Blood Battle! Make your appointment with the Red Cross today at www.redcrossblood.org sponsor code: buckeyes or call 1-800 RED CROSS.

Come to give & get a Blood Battle T-shirt, BOGO Chipotle Coupon, plus a chance to win 2 OSU-Michigan game tickets! For more information about blood battle and to check the score visit: http://www.redcrossblood.org/info/centralohio/ohio-state-vs-michigan-blood-battle-1982

OIA Education Abroad Academic Enrichment Seed Grant Available

Dear College Education Abroad Liaisons and other campus colleagues,

Thank you for sharing this information on the OIA Education Abroad Academic Enrichment Seed Grant with interested faculty.



Grace Johnson
Office of International Affairs Education Abroad
121 Oxley Hall, 1712 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-6101 Office
Ohio State is a recipient of the 2014 Simon Award
for Comprehensive Internationalization

Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Program Registration

In accordance with the Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Policy 1.50 (see policy 1.50 in the General category) that was adopted in January of 2013; the CFAES Human Resources Office would like to remind everyone that all new, current, or currently unregistered programs with minor participants need to be registered on an annual basis. The 2016 annual registration period is now open.

A summary of the Registration Guidelines under the Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Policy 1.50 are as follows:

Units operating activities and programs with minors must register each activity or program with the Office of Human Resources at www.hrtech.osu.edu/minors.
1. Registration for ongoing and pre-established activities and programs with minors must be completed annually prior to the beginning of the university academic year.
2. Registration for other activities and programs with minors should be completed 60 days in advance when possible, but must be completed before an activity or program with minors begins.

As was mutually determined last year, the Extension Assistant Directors will register all programs that fall within their program areas; 4-H, A&R, CD and FCS. Extension Assistant Directors will follow the same procedure for registration utilized last year by registering the program (i.e, Carteens or 4-H camps), and then indicate which counties are participating in that program. County Extension Educators who have questions regarding the programs in their counties should contact their Assistant Directors directly.

Please register your ongoing or pre-established program by the deadline of Friday November 20, 2015. All other programs must be registered 60 days before the event takes place.

If you have any questions about the registration process please contact Kaylee Buzard at: buzard.19@osu.edu or (330)263-3932.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Elayne M. Siegfried, Esq.
Human Resources Director
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691-4096
330-263-3932 Office / 330-263-3695 Fax
siegfried.20@osu.edu osu.edu

Bucks for Charity – Make Your Pledge, Today!

Dear Colleagues,

As we cross the half-way point in the Bucks for Charity drive, we appreciate the generosity of many faculty and staff who have contributed toward our goal of raising $1,150,000.

Through Bucks for Charity, we have the opportunity to make a big difference.

Last month, we learned the difference our contributions make to the community when we visited St. Stephen’s Community House, an organization close to campus that helps teach self-sufficiency with programs and services for education, hunger, employment and childcare. We saw the need in our community first-hand and we were inspired to witness what is made possible through our donations.

There are many fantastic organizations benefitting from your donations. We encourage you to learn more about all of the participating agencies who benefit from the generous support of Ohio State faculty and staff who contribute through Bucks for Charity.

Please select a cause that you believe in to support, whether it benefits education, health, environment, hunger, social justice or other community needs. Then make a pledge through Bucks for Charity, a simple way to support your favorite charity – conveniently one-time or online through payroll deduction.

We have the opportunity to take action and give back. Please join us in this important effort by making your pledge before November 13. To pledge now, visit bucksforcharity.osu.edu.


Miechelle O. Willis
Deputy Director, Athletics
Chair, Bucks for Charity

Michael Hofherr
Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Co-Chair, Bucks for Charity

Gateway to Learning, A New Professional Development Resource

Gateway to Learning, A New Professional Development Resource
Gateway to Learning is a new robust website that supports faculty and staff professional growth. Created by the Office of Human Resources, the website offers resources for career planning and growth, managing and leading others, handling change, mentoring and many other topics. It also includes descriptions of training in BuckeyeLearn and provides links to learning opportunities across campus.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to engage in the many forms of professional development – through experience, working with others and training. Leverage the resources that are available and work with managers, mentors and peers to continually identify professional and career development opportunities. Development can include on-the-job experiences, tasks and problem-solving, feedback, coaching, working with mentors, reading, classes and webinars.

What you need to do:
Be sure to visit the link to Gateway to Learning: http://gatewaytolearning.osu.edu/.
Visit Gateway to Learning to learn more about professional development and explore development opportunities. Descriptions of trainings offered in BuckeyeLearn are also included on the website.

Flu Vaccinations Available to Faculty and Staff

Benefits-enrolled faculty and staff and their dependent family members (over 7 years old) may visit a network retail pharmacy (for example, Costco, CVS, Giant Eagle, Kroger, Medicine Shoppe, Rite Aid, Target, and Walmart) for their flu vaccination at no charge and without a prescription. They simply present their OSU Health Plan medical/prescription drug ID card, and the vaccine will be covered with no out-of-pocket expense. Please note: The flu vaccine must be administered by the pharmacist at the network pharmacy itself, not at the “clinic” associated with the pharmacy.

Benefits-eligible faculty and staff may obtain a free flu vaccination at a convenient on-campus location while supplies last. To register for a flu vaccine, visit https://linktohealth.osu.edu. Faculty and staff may also visit their primary care providers for a vaccination.

For more information, visit osuhealthplan.com.

What you need to do:
osuhealthplan.com for more information.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is an annual opportunity for faculty and staff to thoughtfully assess benefit options, review dependent enrollments and plan ahead for anticipated needs. Enrollment options for 2016 include health plans, flexible spending accounts and dependent life insurance. Changes to review include medical plan contribution tiers, adult-child eligibility, frequency change for biweekly deductions and the prescription drug formulary.

What you need to do:
Learn more and make elections at hr.osu.edu/oe by October 30.


OIA International Research Funding for OSU Faculty and Students

Sponsored by the Office of International Affairs, the Office of Research and PHPID

This grant competition, with separate tracks for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students, is sponsored by the Office of International Affairs (OIA), the Office of Research and PHPID.

PHPID co-sponsors a specific track for faculty research projects engaged in a wide spectrum of interests and subject matter related to the Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Disease initiative.

Proposals are sought for a wide range of research projects, including those that:

*  Promote active research collaborations between Ohio State faculty and partners
*  Address global issues (e.g. public health, public policy, climate change, sustainability) in a regional context
*  Connect discipline-specific research to the implementation of projects and programs in diverse geopolitical and cultural settings
*  Explore the languages, cultures, arts, politics, economy, or socio-demographic aspects of an international region
*  Promote the understanding of countries, cultures and peoples though academic study

Grant Categories
International Affairs Research Grants are available in the following categories:

*  Faculty Research
*  Faculty Research (PHPID track)
*  Graduate Student Research
*  Undergraduate Student Research
*  Project Criteria

The competition supports proposals from all academic disciplines for proposed research projects in any world region, addressing any of the Discovery Themes (Health and Wellness, Energy and Environment, and Food Production and Security, Humanities and Arts.)

Preference may be given to projects involving the Global Gateway countries (Brazil, China, India) or certain countries with increasing collaborative activity (Ethiopia, Tanzania and Turkey.)

Proposals for specific research projects can request funds to support:

*  Travel expenses related to research or a research collaboration (transportation, lodging, airfare, other)
*  Research project expenses (acquiring data, supplies and materials, other)
*  Development of faculty manuscripts and publications
*  Costs for development and hosting of a conference, workshop, speaker series (professional conference travel is not eligible for support)
*  For students: PhD dissertation and pre-dissertation research, MA thesis projects, faculty guided undergraduate student research projects

The total amount of funding available to award in this competition (across all tracks) is approximately $90,000-100,000. The competition will fund between 10 and 15 awards of $ 3,000 to $ 8,000

Applicants with winning grant proposals will be informed during spring semester 2016.
Award funds are distributed in the form of a budget transfer to the applicant’s home department.
Funds may be accessed during the term of the award from Spring 2016 to Summer 2017.

For student applicants:

Student activities are subject to university requirements regarding travel to risk-designated countries. http://oia.osu.edu/application-and-policies/travel-to-risk-designated-countries.html

All Ohio State students traveling abroad for academic purposes must be enrolled in international supplemental insurance, providing not only health insurance, but coverage for emergency assistance, evacuation and repatriation.

Proposal Preparation:
Proposals from students must include:

*  The 2015 International Affairs Enrichment Grants common application and budget form
*  A brief abstract, not to exceed 1 page (double spaced, 12 pt. font)
*  A 3-5 page (double spaced, 12 pt. font) narrative proposal
*  A short (not to exceed four pages) curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé of the student applicant
*  A copy of the student’s advising report (available for download from Buckeye Link)
*  A letter of recommendation from an Ohio State faculty member, such as the dissertation/thesis advisor if appropriate

Proposal Submission:

Academic Enrichment Grants Common Application 2015

Complete applications must be submitted electronically in PDF (preferred) or Word format via email to: oia-grants@osu.edu

Application deadline is Tuesday, December 1, 2015 by 11:59 p.m.

Contact Information:
For more information or to ask questions regarding applications, please send an email to oia-grants@osu.edu or call 614-688-5482.

The Women’s Place partners on NSF grant

Ohio State, through The Women’s Place, has been named a partner in North Dakota State University’s Advocates & Allies program, which recently received a National Science Foundation grant. The program is designed to help transform the climate of Ohio State by increasing men’s engagement in gender equity efforts. It will teach male faculty skills and strategies to bring about positive changes concerning gender in their departments and colleges. It will also further university-wide efforts to understand and counteract privilege and bias at Ohio State.
Read more: womensplace.osu.edu