Claiming Our Space in the Extraordinary Student Experience

Please share the following opportunity with your students. 

Do you identify as a student with a disability on the campus of The Ohio State University?
This year as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the No Place For Hate Commission (NPFH) and the 25th Anniversary ADA Initiative would like to invite you to an open forum to engage in conversation and reflect on the student experience at Ohio State.

Attending the program will be key administrators including: Dr. Javaune Adams-Gaston, Vice President for the Office of Student Life, Robert Solomon, Assistant Vice Provost with Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Mr. Scott Lissner, ADA Coordinator with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss the current state of students with disabilities and explore meaningful and intentional ways to enhance their experiences in the areas of academics, leadership, professional development and social engagement.

When: Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
Where: Frank W. Hale Jr., Black Cultural Center, MLK ROOM, 154 West 12th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210

It is the intent of the 25th ADA initiative to build the capacity to raise the profile of individuals with disabilities on the campus of The Ohio State University. In doing so, we want to ensure that students with disabilities see themselves reflected fully as members of the university community.

For more information please contact Katherine Betts at or Gisell Jeter-Bennett at

Farm Science Review Leadership Transition

The Farm Science Review is a signature event of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and we believe the opportunities to further engage with our stakeholders is nearly unlimited. The foundation built by Chuck Gamble’s steady leadership has prepared us for the next chapter in this critically important educational event. We have determined that the time is right to begin a new chapter in the Review’s history and transition to new leadership in early 2016.

We are starting a national search for the next Farm Science Review manager, and will be working with Chuck to establish an orderly transition of knowledge and responsibilities. Chuck will continue in his current role as the national search begins and a successful candidate is identified. Once a new manager is in place, Chuck will take on new responsibilities in the college as part of our facilities and planning team.

We are appreciative of Chuck’s leadership and will appropriately recognize his contributions at the 2016 Farm Science Review.

As the national search unfolds and the transition of leadership moves forward, we’ll update you on key dates and opportunities to engage in the process.


Ronald Hendrick, PhD
Senior Associate Dean
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
The Ohio State University
100 Agricultural Administration Bldg.
2120 Fyffe Rd
Columbus, OH 43210

Steve Slack Retirement Reception

Please join faculty, staff, students and friends on December 14th in the Shisler Center Ballroom to recognize Steve Slack upon his retirement.

Columbus faculty and staff – we are renting a bus to travel to Wooster for the reception; if you are interested in joining the group, please let Joan Lieb ( know by end of business on Monday, December 7. (click on image below to enlarge)

Slack Retirement

Reminder – Outside Bank Accounts and Financial Management

Management of our financial resources is not only important to our fiscal health as a college — strong and consistent implementation of policy and procedure builds confidence and trust for all stakeholders. A key aspect of that management is how each of us manages revenue and expenses in support of our teaching, research and outreach mission. This message is a reminder that any revenue collected for activities conducted in your role as a University employee must be deposited in an Ohio State account, and any spending must occur through Ohio State financial processes with proper approvals.

Example: conferences coordinated and/or led by college faculty and staff, or sales of goods or services, must process revenue and expenditures through the Ohio State accounting system, rather than through an account (checking, PayPal, etc.) set up by an individual. Certain exceptions, such as local OSU Extension county checking accounts, are allowable with proper approvals. See, below, for references or reminders from University Audit.

Should you have questions about the internal control requirements related to income and expenditures, or be in a situation where you are managing funds outside of Ohio State financial processes, please contact Eric Bode, CFAES Finance Director at or 614-247-7125. Eric and his team are very willing to work with faculty and staff to ensure compliance with all university policy and procedures that will ultimately help build trust and confidence with our stakeholders, including our funding partners.

Reminders on Bank Accounts from the Department of Internal Audit:
The University’s Board of Trustees has delegated the responsibility to open bank accounts on behalf of the University to the University’s Treasurer, within the Office of Financial Services. Under rare circumstances, a bank account may be established outside of the University’s internal control structure; however, in these situations, the Office of Financial Services would establish written contracts/agreements and would require proper management oversight.

Reminders on Internal Control Structure and Management Oversight from the Department of Internal Audit:
The University’s Internal Controls Policy #1.11 states that internal control requirements must be in place in order to create an environment of accountability with effective monitoring and oversight. The dean or vice president of each college or support unit is responsible for the internal controls and monitoring activities of his/her area. The policy also notes that segregation of duties must be maintained and that every transaction must be approved for business purpose by individuals who have the business knowledge and authority to determine the appropriateness of the transaction.

Additional information:
Ohio State Business Practices Policies
The Ohio State University Office of Compliance and Integrity and
Anonymous Reporting
Or contact your department/unit’s financial officer

Upgrading & Replacing Computer Equipment and Operating Systems

We’ve received a few inquiries across the college about upgrading to the recent computer operating system releases of Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple OSX El Capitan. At the present time, we are not able to provide support for Windows 10 or OSX El Capitan within the CFAES environment as there are some known compatibility issues with the systems we rely on to keep the computers managed and secure. It is also important that we evaluate the “by default” cloud services that are introduced through the Windows 10 operating system.

To assist you in navigating these as well as other technology issues, be sure to work with an IT staff member when contemplating an upgrade to your computer operating system or the purchase of a new computer to ensure it will work properly in our environment.
Matt DeVore
Chief Information Officer
College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
131C Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3577 Office

Blood Drive Thankyou

Thank you for all of your help with yesterday’s blood drive at the Ag Admin Building. Our goal was to collect 63 lifesaving units of blood. We ended up having 80 presenting donors, 11 deferrals and collected 74 units!!! These units have the potential to save 222 lives!!! This year’s drive is the most units the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has ever collected. The second highest collection during blood battle was 67 units. Congratulations on a job well done!

Special Thank You to…
The Towers Honorary for volunteering and recruiting at the blood drive. I hope your bake sale was just as successful as the drive.
Joan and Dr. Hattey for promoting the drive to the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students, faculty and staff.
Abby for coordinating all of the details for the blood drive. You did an amazing job!

We are looking forward to your next blood drive scheduled for Wednesday, February 3 from 10am to 4pm.

Cat Elkins, Red Cross

2014 NIFA Annual Report

NIFA is pleased to introduce its 2014 Annual Report. Our report highlights the progress we have made in meeting the goals of our Strategic Plan, and moving us closer to our vision: “Catalyze transformative discoveries, education, and engagement to address agricultural challenges.” Our report provides a broad look at NIFA’s science portfolios and initiatives, and describes how NIFA is advancing agricultural science to solve societal challenges. Our report demonstrates NIFA’s strong commitment to providing full transparency to the American public, Congress, our land-grant university partners, stakeholders and other federal agencies, and ensuring increased accountability in the undertaking of our mission. NIFA’s 2014 Annual Report can be found here. NIFA’s 2015 Annual Report is slated for release in Spring 2016.

Sonny Ramaswamy
Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture

Volunteer to Help Thank A Donor

To capitalize on the spirit of thankfulness during the month of November, I’m rallying folks to join our development staff and our student ambassadors to take a moment to write thank you notes to first time donors to the college. Funds donated support all aspects of the college including scholarships, program activities, facilities, and research initiatives. Whether you write 1 note or 20, your participation would be welcomed and appreciated! So grab your office neighbor and come on over to Parker 311!
Below are the details- including free food!

When: Wednesday, November 18th 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
What: Writing Session – Thank you postcards
Where: Parker Food Science 311
Who: College faculty, staff and students
Why: To show our appreciation to first time donors (who gave between the months of July – October of this year) and encourage them to continue supporting our college
Other details: PIZZA, veggies, treats, and beverages will be provided since this is over lunch
Templates and postcards will also be provided. This will be as painless as possible!

Please let me know if you’ll be able to participate by Monday, November 16th, even if for a few minutes, to give me a count for food and beverages.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much!
Emily Jewell | Stewardship Program Coordinator
Development Office
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
216 Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Court, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-3620 |

Bucks for Charity Tailgate Winners

Those who attended the Bucks for Charity tailgate party on Friday were able to enter a drawing for some prizes provided by the university campaign. David Dix, Suzanne Steel and Mark Erbaugh won Bucks for Charity padfolios. Sheryl Barringer and Cheryl Buck won Bucks for Charity aluminum water bottles. Congratulations to these winners and thanks to all who came out to the tailgate party, and/or supported the Bucks for Charity campaign. You have until Friday to make a contribution. See your college coordinator or go online at for more information. Go Bucks (for Charity)!

David Davisson and Gwen Wolford
2015 CFAES Co-chairs

EPA Proposes Changes to the Certification and Training of Pesticide Applicators

By Mary Ann Rose

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a minimum age (18) and stricter standards for certifying applicators of restricted use pesticides (RUPs). For commercial applicators in Ohio, there is no distinction between RUP and non-RUP users, hence these new proposals potentially affect the certification and recertification of all licensed commercial pesticide applicators in Ohio whether or not they actually use restricted use pesticides. Private applicators are only required to be licensed in Ohio if they use RUPs.

Much of what is proposed for the stricter federal standard is already required by Ohio Law; for example, Ohio pesticide applicators already take closed book exams, must recertify on a three-year schedule, and keep pesticide records. The proposed changes would however significantly increase the recertification requirements for Ohio pesticide applicators. The EPA has proposed that all applicators will be required to take six units (50 minutes) of core plus three (private) or six (commercial) units per category every three years. An Ohio commercial applicator licensed in one category who is now required to take five hours of recertification would have to attend twelve 50-minute sessions every three years. An Ohio private applicator licensed in one category who now needs three hours of training to recertify would have to attend nine 50-minute sessions every three years. Applicators would be required to present identification at exams and recertification programs. For private applicators, the fumigation category would be split into soil and non-soil fumigation categories. There also would be an annual training requirement and minimum age of 18 for trained servicepersons, who under current Ohio law only require a single, verified training prior to occupational exposure to pesticides.

The public may comment on the EPA’s proposal through November 23, 2015; there have been formal requests for an extension to the deadline. Comments may be submitted to the EPA at in docket number EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0183. Learn more about the proposal and certification for pesticide applicators:

Mary Ann ‘Mimi’ Rose, Ph.D.
Director, Pesticide Safety Education Program
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Ohio State University Extension
308 Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Ct., Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 247-7489