The International Programs in Agriculture Office is Moving to a New Location!

Beginning on December 23, 2015 the Office of International Programs in Agriculture (IPA) will be at its new location:

160 Bevis Hall
1080 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-7252

* All telephone numbers of IPA staff will remain the same *

We look forward to working with you from our new location and hope you’ll stop in to see us in 2016!

2016 University Outreach and Engagement Recognition Awards

Dear Colleagues,

The university is seeking nominations of outstanding outreach and engagement partnerships for the 2016 University Outreach and Engagement Recognition Awards. We ask for your assistance again this year. A total of $21,000 will be distributed to award recipients to support their engagement programming.

We are looking for partnerships that demonstrate how colleges and universities have redesigned their learning, discovery and engagement missions to become even more involved with their communities. The partnership may have a long history of engaging the university and community, or it may be a relatively new collaboration that is having a substantial impact on the university and community partners. Awards will be given for the top nominated partnerships in each of the international engagement, community engagement and service-learning categories.

From these nominations, the top overall partnership will be selected to serve as Ohio State’s 2017 nominee for the national C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement Scholarship Award, sponsored by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.

Nominations are also being sought for Ohio State’s annual staff, student, student organization and community partner engagement awards. We wish to recognize outstanding campus achievements in the fields of engagement and service. All Ohio State faculty, staff and students are invited to apply.

More detailed information about how to apply is available at Those interested in applying for any of these awards must submit an abstract by
February 16, 2016.

All recipients will be honored at a Recognition Awards Ceremony prior to the Patterson Lecture at 10:30 a.m. on May 3, 2016, in the Ohio Union.

Please share this opportunity with your leadership teams, faculty, staff and students.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Office of Outreach and Engagement at or (614) 247-7795.


Javaune Adams-Gaston, Vice President for Student Life
William Brustein, Vice Provost for Global Strategies and International Affairs
Wayne Carlson, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Stephen Myers, Associate Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement

Poultry Exhibition Ban Lifted in Ohio

Dear Colleagues,

As of 9:00am this morning (December 16) the ban prohibiting bird shows in Ohio has been rescinded. This means Ohio can now have live poultry at county and independent fairs, the Ohio State Fair, and all other gatherings of birds for show or for sale, including auctions and swap meets.

Throughout the length of the ban there were no confirmed cases of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Ohio, and there is no immediate threat of this disease. However, while the intention is to allow bird exhibitions to be held next year, an outbreak in Ohio or nearby states may require the reinstatement or even an extension of the ban. Therefore we are still recommending that youth who enroll in 4-H poultry projects also enroll in another county-fair-eligible project to be able to participate in the county fair. It is imperative that youth and their families follow strict biosecurity practices. We will post biosecurity information on the Ohio 4-H website poultry resources page at

The press release lifting the ban will be posted on the Ohio 4-H website poultry home page

Should you have any questions, please contact me at, 614.292.7453 (office), or 740.708.0359 (mobile).

Lucinda B. Miller, Ph.D.
Extension Specialist, 4-H Youth Development
Companion & Small Animal Programs
College of Food, Agriculture, & Environmental Sciences Ohio State University Extension
Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210
614.292.7453 Office | 740.708.0359 Cell |614.292.5937 Fax /

“Like” us on Facebook:
Ohio 4-H Dog Program at:
Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences at:

Research Development and Grant Writing News

The Office of Research provides a campus-wide subscription to Research Development and Grant Writing News; access current and past issues at The December issue includes ways to avoid the “Mule’s Kick” at NSF, heuristic white papers, writing tips for non-native English speakers, new funding opportunities and more.

You will need your university login credentials to access the above site.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research – Funding Opportunity

The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research is now accepting nominations for the New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award. The Award will fund new faculty and their teams of graduate students and post-doctoral scholars to conduct innovative research with potential to expand the availability of food and facilitate the global practice of sustainable agriculture as the world’s population grows to more than 9 billion people by the year 2050. The program is intended to shine a spotlight on food and agriculture sciences and elevate the field in the scientific arena.  More information here

Faculty Judges Needed – Hayes Graduate Research Forum

The Council of Graduate Students has worked hard to recruit faculty judges but at least five more judges from CFAES are needed to meet the needs of CFAES graduate students who want to participate.

Faculty can either

· Review abstracts (before Jan. 11, 2016)
· Or judge student presentations on the day of the Hayes Forum ( Jan. 26, 2016, Ohio Union)

The Hayes Graduate Research Forum showcases the innovative research of graduate students, and it is important that faculty show their support. Please ask your faculty to volunteer and have them contact CGS Vice President Meghan Fitze at Fitze.1@ Megan is the lead coordinator of the Hayes Forum, which is co-sponsored by the Office of Research and Graduate School.

Thank you for your assistance,

Scott Herness

Scott Herness
Interim Vice Provost for Graduate Studies
Interim Dean of the Graduate School
Graduate School
250 University Hall, 230 North Oval Mall Columbus, OH 43210-1366
614-247-7413 Office / 614-292-3656 Fax

CFAES Research News

Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES community that summarizes upcoming funding opportunities and provides updates, strategies, and grant writing tips. See the December 2015 Newsletter here.

Chagas Disease Communication

Chagas Communique for OSUE (pdf)

Chagas Communique for OSUE (word)

CFAES Colleagues,

In recent days there has been substantial press and social media attention focused on the potential risk of contracting Chagas disease in Ohio, and we’ve received a few questions from Extension Educators. The risk of contracting Chagas disease in Ohio is miniscule to non-existent. The pathogen is vectored by kissing bugs and a couple of other species that are similar in appearance to some bugs that are common in Ohio, including leaffooted seed bugs that commonly invade homes (BTW, which are completely harmless).

In response, Drs. Pete Piermarini (a veterinary / medical entomologist in the Dept. of Entomology) and Dave Shetlar (Extension State Specialist in our department) have prepared the following informational communique that hopefully will be useful if you receive questions from concerned stakeholders. It is attached in pdf and word format, at the beginning of this email.

Please contact Pete or Dave if you have additional questions.

Best regards,

Daniel A. Herms
Professor and Chair
State Extension Specialist
Department of Entomology
The Ohio State University
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3506 Office / 330-749-5453 Mobile / 330-263-3686 Fax
Entomology Department:
Herms Lab:

OSU Writing Group

This spring, the OSU Writing Center is once again offering an array of writing groups for graduate students, undergraduates, post-docs, and junior faculty, and it is time to sign up! Please use the link below to apply soon before the groups are full. Please share this opportunity with your students as well.

Our group offerings this term include:
· Dissertation Writing Groups
· Dissertation Writing Group: Sit Down and Write!
· Masters Thesis Writing Group
· Post-Doctoral Writing Group
· Grant Writing Group
· Graduate Student Open-Genre Writing Group
· Graduate Student Open-Genre: Site Down and Write
· STEP Writing Groups
· Undergraduate Thesis Group
· Creative Writing Groups
· Personal Statement Writing Groups
To learn more or apply to be part of one or more of these groups, please visit our website and click on the link to the appropriate group (

Each group is facilitated by an experienced writing center consultant and meets once per week for 1-1.5 hours. As part of a group, you will be expected to read and respond to group members’ projects, receive feedback on your own, and discuss various aspects of the writing process. Writing groups are a great way to get feedback on your writing as well as to learn more about writing for particular audiences and about managing writing projects. We hope you’ll come join us!

Dr. Richard (Dickie) Selfe <>
Director, Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing
Writing Center Coordinator
174 W. 18th Ave.
4132C Smith Labs
614-546-6854 (primary, cell)