October is Campus Sustainability Month – Funds Available for Projects

Funding is available for sustainability projects that will positively impact any Ohio State campus by advancing current programs, creating campus cultural change and directing sustainable campus policy or project development. Sustainability Fund projects must contribute to sustainability, provide campus impact and be used to seed, catalyze or gap-fill funding on projects. Projects also cannot be covered by an existing university operating budget. Details and application forms are found on the President and Provost’s Council on Sustainability website, under “Involvement.”

Click here to read more about other funding opportunities and activities occurring during Sustainability Month.



Funding of $1M for Faculty, Staff and Student Engagement

The Connect and Collaborate Grants Program incentivizes faculty, staff, students and their public/private sector community partners to submit concept proposals that have the potential to catalyze engaged, collaborative teaching and research activities benefiting the community and university. Grants up to $100,000 are available.

Concept proposals are due Monday, Oct. 3. An information session will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 9-10 a.m. in the Research Commons.

Read more at https://oaa.osu.edu/ccgrants.html. Contact engage@osu.edu for more information.

NCR-SARE Announces 2017 Call for Research and Education Preproposals

The 2017 North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE) Research and Education Grant Program Call for Preproposals is now available online at http://www.northcentralsare.org/Grants/Our-Grant-Programs/Research-and-Education.

NCR-SARE’s Research and Education (R&E) program supports sustainable agriculture innovators with competitive research and education grants. Individual grants range from $50,000 to $200,000. NCR-SARE expects to fund 10 to 11 projects in the 12-state North Central Region.

NCR-SARE will be accepting online submissions for the Research and Education Grant Program using its online submission system. More information about the online submission system can be found in the call for preproposals.  The deadline for Research and Education Program preproposals is October 20, 2016, at 4 pm CDT.

NCR-SARE administers each of its grant programs with specific goals, audiences, and timelines. Funding considerations are based on how well the applicant presents the problem being addressed, it’s relevance to sustainable agriculture in the 12-state North Central region, and how well it aligns with NCR-SARE’s goals.

Funding decisions are made by a regional Administrative Council (AC), with review from a Technical Committee. The Administrative Council is a collection of producers, university representatives, nonprofit group interests, Extension and NRCS people, other government employees, and agribusiness representatives. This group sets research priorities and recommends projects for funding.

Questions can be referred to Ohio SARE coordinators Alan Sundermeier (Sundermeier.5) and Mike Hogan (hogan.1).

SERC Seed Grant Opportunity

The Ohio State University Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC) was

established to advance and disseminate our understanding of energy from

underground sources and the intertwined environmental and socioeconomic issues.

The current pace and scope of subsurface energy development require an integrated

research approach to encourage the safe and sustainable harvesting and usage of

subsurface resources.  For more information, please see the below flyer.

SERC seed grant solicitation summer 2016

Calling all Inventors: Accelerator Award submissions due July 22nd

The Accelerator Awards provide Ohio State researchers with an initial infusion of capital to further develop and validate inventions, software, and technologies.   Concept development, prototyping, coding, market studies and customer validation efforts are eligible uses for an Accelerator Award.  Available to all Ohio State researchers who have disclosed their inventions to the TCO, awards are distributed in amounts up to $50,000. Applications for this round of funding are due July 22nd.

To apply for an award please visit:


SARE Seminar Announcement


Opportunities for research, education, extension, and graduate student funding from the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program

Dr. Beth Nelson, Regional Director, NCR-SARE Research and Education Programs

Dr. Rob Myers, Regional Director, NCR-SARE Extension Programs

Joan Benjamin, Associate Regional Coordinator NCR-SARE and

Coordinator of Farmer Rancher and Youth Educator Grant Programs

Monday, July 11th

Noon to 1 pm

Room 333, Kottman Hall, OSU Columbus Campus

(with video link to Wooster campus)

SARE seminar flier OH

Fullbright Program Opportunities

I would like to share with you some information about the 2017-2018 Fulbright Scholar competition.

The 2017-2018 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Core Competition is now open.

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for the 2017-2018 academic year. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others.  Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to learn more about these opportunities, and hundreds of others, by visiting the Catalog of Awards.

The application deadline for most awards is August 1, 2016.  U.S. citizenship is required.

Grant Duration:

Grant lengths vary in duration; applicants can propose projects for a period of two to 12 months, as specified in the award description.  In addition, flexible options may be available.

Please view just some of the opportunities that are available in the upcoming competition in the field of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

In addition, please note that during the week of April 11-15, 2016, Ohio State will be holding the 7th Annual Fulbright Week, an initiative co-organized by the Office of International Affairs, the Graduate School, and the Undergraduate Fellowship Office.

As in the past, these three units have combined their efforts to provide a full week of events acknowledging past Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays recipients and hosting workshops, information sessions and open houses designed to inform potential Ohio State faculty, undergraduate and graduate student applicants about the opportunities available through the Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays programs. All faculty, professionals and students are welcome to participate in a myriad of activities that will be scheduled during the week of April 11-15, 2016. View a complete schedule of activities here.

Please share this information with students and faculty in your college and encourage them to contact me if they have any questions.

Seed Grant Initiative – Sustainable and Resilient Economy (SRE)

The Sustainable and Resilient Economy (SRE) program has announced a Seed Grant Initiative to advance sustainability science in order to accelerate the development of sustainable and resilient production and consumption systems that enhance the value and reduce the adverse impacts of material flows through the economy and society. An important mechanism for achieving the above goals is to provide seed grants to Ohio State teams that wish to pursue promising opportunities in research, teaching, outreach, and practice.

 Emphasis will be placed on funding proposals that are likely to produce tangible outputs that expand the financial or intellectual resources available to Ohio State. The first round of SRE seed grants was offered in the fall of 2016, and resulted in eight awards with a total value of $155,000. In addition, the successful proposals were able to secure a total of $173,000 in matching funds. We expect this second round to produce similar results.

 SRE Seed Grant RFP Spring 2016 (003)

Specifics are detailed in the attached document.  The deadline for submission of the letter of intent is April 15, 2016 with full proposals due June 15, 2016. Please direct all communications to the SRE Program Coordinator, Melissa Amos (amos.126@osu.edu, 614-292-3732).

National Black Farmers Association Opens 2016 Scholarship Application Period

Scholarships funded by the FCA Foundation support the development of a new generation of African-American farmers

March 1, 2016 , Auburn Hills, Mich. – The National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) Scholarship Program today opened the application period for 2016 scholarships. The application site, https://scholarsapply.org/blackfarmersassociation, will remain open from March 1 to May 2, 2016, or until 100 applications have been received, whichever comes first.

Funded through a grant from the FCA Foundation, the charitable arm of FCA US LLC, the program provides scholarships of up to $5,000 to students pursuing agriculture-related study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school.

“Higher education provides transformational tools, knowledge and resources,” said Lesley Slavitt, Head of Civic Engagement, FCA US LLC, and CEO of the FCA Foundation. “It is a privilege for the FCA Foundation to be a partner in ensuring that the next generation of African-American farmers receives the training and skills that will help them to thrive.”

Scholarship Applicants
NBFA scholarship recipients are selected based upon several criteria, including academic performance, demonstrated leadership and participation in agricultural and community activities, and career goals and objectives.

“The scholarship funds went toward my tuition, which has helped to lift some of the financial burdens placed on my family and I,” said Michael Coleman, a 2015 NBFA scholarship recipient who is pursuing a degree in animal science at Alcorn State University. Coleman, a Raymond, Miss., native, was awarded a $5,000 NBFA scholarship.

Established in May 2015, the National Black Farmers Association Scholarship Program awarded 19 scholarships nationally – a total of $87,000 – to support the development of a new generation of African-American farmers.

“In 1910, nearly 1 million black farm families owned over 15 million acres of land. Today, less than 45,000 black farm families own 3 million acres,” said John Boyd, Jr., President of the National Black Farmers Association. “The National Black Farmers Association Scholarship Program is a huge step in the right direction for the survival of America’s black farmers.

“Educating black farmers provides an opportunity to increase and advance agricultural technology, which will be passed on as a vital part of our rich farming legacy to future generations.”

About the National Black Farmers Association
The National Black Farmers Association is a non-profit organization representing African-American farmers and their families in the United States. As an association, it serves tens of thousands of members nationwide. NBFA’s education and advocacy efforts have been focused on civil rights, land retention, access to public and private loans, education and agricultural training, and rural economic development for black and other small farmers.

About the FCA Foundation
Since 1953, the FCA Foundation, the charitable arm of FCA US LLC, has invested more $500 million in charitable organizations and initiatives that help empower people, and build strong, viable communities. The FCA Foundation invests in programs that generate meaningful and measurable societal impacts in the following areas:

  • Education – programs that inspire young minds, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM);
  • Military – programs that support financial and basic needs of military service members, veterans and their families;
  • Multicultural/Diversity – programs that promote inclusion and opportunity for diverse populations; and
  • Youth Development – programs that help young people develop the skills and leadership qualities to succeed in school, at work, and in life.

Additionally, FCA US seeks opportunities to support communities through its Motor Citizens® volunteer program. This innovative program enables FCA US salaried employees to use 18 hours of paid time each year to be an Engine for Change by investing their time and talents in community service projects.

For more information, please visit the FCA US LLC media site at http://media.fcanorthamerica.com.

Kara Boyd, NBFA Program Coordinator              Kevin Frazier
National Black Farmers Association                   FCA US LLC
(804) 691-8528 (office)                                   (248) 512-2678 (office)
NBFA.Kara@gmail.com                                      (248) 821-8507 (cell)

Culture of Health Initiative – Funding Opportunity

As many of you know, I am now the Co-PI of a new Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant supporting achieving a culture of health in the United States.

RWJF_Fact Sheet_2016.01.26

There are opportunities for your schools and communities in this new funding profile from RWJF! The Foundation is putting $10 million/year into 4 different project arms (yes, that’s $40M per year).

·         Doctoral students—any doctoral student from any field who wants to tie their work to a culture of health. I know there are many in Ag related fields who care about communities and economics of health, the built environment, etc.

·         Young Faculty—again, any who would want to partner with a community based organization. This opportunity supports 2 faculty working with a community member/organization (faculty get $25,000 stipend x 2 years + they can apply for a research grant.)

·         Multi sector health leaders—this is your YMCA/YWCA, churches, NGOs, community based organizations– you name it, a very large catch all category. A lot of your university-related groups could fit here.

·         Clinical Leaders—this category supports active mid-career clinicians (MD, RN, RD, DMD, DVM, social workers, OT, PT—so think of people who work in health but also in developmental issues like adults with autism and such)—this is the program I am leading.

Please see the FACT SHEET attached and share this broadly with your colleagues across your institutions.

The national program site launches February 22nd and after that will start a series of public information webinars with more details about the different opportunities.

All of these are leadership training programs and focus on diversity, inclusion, and health disparities, in accordance with the RWJF mission.

Good luck! I hope you see your organizations named as RWJF Culture of Health recipients!

All the best,


Claudia S. P. Fernandez, DrPH, MS, RD, LDN
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Maternal and Child Health
Gillings School of Global Public Health
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
and Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural & Extension Education
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina State University

USDA Seeks Fellowship Applications for Future Agricultural Scientists, Science Educators

WASHINGTON, Jan. 27, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the availability of $18.9 million in competitive grants to support fellowships and other higher education training projects in food, nutrition, natural resources and agriculture fields. These fellowships are administered through USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and will support pre- and post-doctoral fellowships, undergraduate fellowships, and professional development for secondary school teachers and educational professionals.

“Highly motivated, talented and creative workers in the food, agriculture and natural resources fields will only become more valuable on a global scale as we face a growing population and tougher climate obstacles in the next few decades,” said Vilsack. “Investing in innovation and growing a strong knowledge base now is critical to bolstering food security, health, and economic viability for the next generation.”

Grants are available through NIFA’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Education and Literacy Initiative. Past AFRI Education and Literacy Initiative fellowships include an assessment by Virginia Commonwealth University of how climate change influences population dynamics of agricultural and forest insect pests; research at the University of Wisconsin to identify traits governing bacterial population in freshwater lakes; work by the University of California-Berkeley to give farmers and land managers a framework for restoring hedgerows to stabilize pollinator communities; and more.

Funded fellowships will span the six challenge areas identified by AFRI: childhood obesity prevention, climate change, food safety, food security, sustainable bioenergy and water. The fellowship program also will fund projects that contain well-developed and highly-engaged mentoring and training activities. NIFA will fund single-function and multi-function research, education or extension projects. Webinars for more information about these grants are available on the NIFA website.

Pre- and post-doctoral fellowships will serve as a conduit for new scientists and professionals to enter research, education and extension fields within the food, agricultural, natural resources and human sciences. Applications for pre- and post-doctoral fellowships are due February 11, 2016.

Undergraduate fellows will obtain hands-on experience and training and receive strong mentoring to assist them in joining the workforce or for pursuing graduate studies. Additionally, the undergraduate fellowships will provide opportunities for students from underrepresented and economically disadvantaged groups at minority-serving institutions, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities to partner with larger universities and USDA laboratories. Applications for undergraduate fellowships are due March 24, 2016.

Grants for colleges and universities to develop training programs for secondary school teachers and education professionals, such as counselors and administrators, aim to provide immersive learning experiences for the grantees to create and replicate best practices to improve student success within the food, agricultural, natural resources, and human sciences. Applications for these professional development grants are due March 18, 2016.

AFRI is NIFA’s flagship competitive grant program and was established under the 2008 Farm Bill. AFRI supports work in six priority areas: plant health and production and plant products; animal health and production and animal products; food safety, nutrition and health; bioenergy, natural resources and environment; agriculture systems and technology; and agriculture economics and rural communities.

Since 2009, NIFA has invested in and advanced innovative and transformative initiatives to solve societal challenges and ensure the long-term viability of agriculture. NIFA’s integrated research, education, and extension programs, supporting the best and brightest scientists and extension personnel, have resulted user-inspired, groundbreaking discoveries that are combating childhood obesity, improving and sustaining rural economic growth, addressing water availability issues, increasing food production, finding new sources of energy, mitigating climate variability, and ensuring food safety. To learn more about NIFA’s impact on agricultural science, visit www.nifa.usda.gov/impacts, sign up for email updates, or follow us on Twitter @USDA_NIFA, #NIFAimpacts.

Connect and Collaborate Grant Opportunity

More than $1 million from multiple sources is available through the Connect and Collaborate Grants Program. These diverse grants provide funding opportunities for Ohio State faculty, students and staff to catalyze engaged collaborative teaching and research aligned with the Discovery Themes. An information session is scheduled for Tuesday (12/8) 9 a.m.-10 a.m. in 110B Hale Hall or remotely via Carmen Connect at carmenconnect.osu.edu/.
— > Read more: oaa.osu.edu/ccgrants.html

Equity and Inclusion Mini-Grants Awarded

This year two CFAES Equity and Inclusion Mini-grants were awarded. The first was submitted by Dr. Malak Esseili, a post doctorate researcher in the Food Animal Health Research Program on Wooster Campus. Dr. Esseilli’s grant will used funds to continue efforts to bring faculty, staff, and graduate students together to engage in dialogue around issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The $500 award is supporting a series of programs built around identities and examining common misconceptions and how to overcome such misperceptions. View grant application here. If document does not open you must save it to your computer and then open.

The second grant award was submitted by Dr. Kristi Lekies, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. The grant was awarded $2000 to support Youth Beat, a radio program organized and carried out by 8 teens from the Barack Recreation Center on Columbus’ South Side. Each Thursday the teens brainstorm and identify topics related to health. They then identify speakers and interview them and air the shows on a monthly basis. The Youth Beat group provides training and technical assistance on interviewing, recording and editing audio. View grant application here. If document does not open you must save it to your computer and then open.

Congratulations to both Dr. Malak Esseili and Dr. Kristi Lekies.

Kathy Lechman, PhD
Director, Equity and Inclusion
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 247-7176 Office / (614) 292-5100 Fax
lechman.1@osu.edu osu.edu