Kitchel Named Chair of ACEL

Tracy Kitchel, Ph.D. will join CFAES as the Chair of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership. Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, Dr. Kitchel’s appointment is effective Aug. 1, 2016. 

Kitchel recently served as assistant vice provost for graduate and postdoctoral affairs for the Office of Graduate Studies at the University of Missouri where he directed the campus fellowship selection process, coordinated events and graduate assistant teaching orientation, and advocated for graduate students on various committees. He also was an associate professor for the Department of Agricultural Education and Leadership in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. He was a faculty member for the Center for the Collaboration and Development of Educational Innovations and the Center for Human Dimensions in Natural Resources.

The Gold Chalk Award for excellence in graduate teaching from the University of Missouri Graduate Professional Council, the Superior Graduate Faculty Award from the University of Missouri Graduate Student Association, and the Great Plains IDEA (Interactive Distance Education Alliance) Faculty Excellence Award are among many of Dr. Kitchel’s awards and honors. Dr. Kitchel received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from The Ohio State University and his doctoral degree in Agricultural Education from the University of Missouri.

SARE Seminar Announcement


Opportunities for research, education, extension, and graduate student funding from the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program

Dr. Beth Nelson, Regional Director, NCR-SARE Research and Education Programs

Dr. Rob Myers, Regional Director, NCR-SARE Extension Programs

Joan Benjamin, Associate Regional Coordinator NCR-SARE and

Coordinator of Farmer Rancher and Youth Educator Grant Programs

Monday, July 11th

Noon to 1 pm

Room 333, Kottman Hall, OSU Columbus Campus

(with video link to Wooster campus)

SARE seminar flier OH

CFAES Social Media Survey

The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences reached over eight million people through social media in 2015, and we would like to increase that in 2016 and beyond.  To do that, we are developing a strategic social media strategy for the college.

You can help us capture the impact of our current social media efforts by completing a brief survey.

The survey will help us learn about all of the social media sites that exist in the college, including departments, programs, Extension and OARDC, and how you use them to support your work. Not only do we want to know what “organizational” sites we have, but also which faculty and staff use their personal social media sites to promote their work.

The survey will take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and we need your response by May 27. If you use social media for Ohio State University business we need to hear from you.

Thank you for your help.  You will find the survey at this link.

Michelle Ball
Director, Marketing and Communications
The Ohio State University

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
267 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-7538 Office / 614-537-2313 Mobile

Warning – Phishing Attack

OSU Enterprise Security sent out an email earlier today alerting us to an ongoing and realistic PayPal phishing attack.  If you receive any suspicious emails, especially those asking for you to provide personal information (bank account numbers, SSNs, college credentials, etc.), and doubt the legitimacy of the email, please let me know before you do anything.

Phishing is defined as “The act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft.”

If you know it’s a phishing attempt, do not respond.  Simply forward the email to

Let me know if you have any questions.  I’m here to help.


Rob Clifford, CISSP
Information Security Officer
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences | Information Technology Services
264 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-9802 Office

2016 Field Day Schedule

Please use the attached flier for publication/distribution and/or print on demand purposes.

 2016 FieldDays

For detailed information please visit: , “Events.”

Please contact me if you have any questions/concerns regarding the flier.

April A. Martin
Office Associate
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences FAES Marketing and Communications
Research Services Building/OARDC, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330-263-3780 Office / 330-202-3504 Fax

The Rivals Challenge Incentives for Colleges and WMC Units

On May 2, Your Plan for Health (YP4H) will kick off “The Rivals Challenge” encouraging faculty and staff to form teams and log minutes of moderate physical activity over the course of 8 weeks.

The program was developed in partnership with the University of Michigan to engage participants in a “healthy competition” between the two universities. The goal for each university is to achieve the highest average daily minutes per participant logged throughout the May 2-June 26 time period.

Beyond bragging rights as this year’s champion for the winning university, your college or unit has the opportunity to earn funding towards your wellness initiatives, which include:

  • The top three VP Units, Colleges or Wexner Medical Center Units with the highest average total minutes will earn up to $1,500 in wellness funds to use towards purchasing health and wellness items/equipment or other approved activities.
  • The VP Unit, College or Wexner Medical Center Unit with the highest overall participation percentage will earn $500 in wellness funds.
  • Individual participants will also be able to earn YP4H points and win prizes.

If you’re not already, I encourage you to become actively involved in helping to make Ohio State an even healthier workplace. YP4H will offer numerous free wellness activities throughout May and June on every campus. Additionally, Buckeye Wellness Innovators will be planning activities for your college or unit and I ask that you help support their efforts. Whenever possible, encourage individual and team participation by allowing your staff to schedule their breaks in order to be involved in these initiatives.

To keep you updated on each college and unit’s progress throughout the challenge, the YP4H team will be sending leaderboards periodically to this distribution.

If you have any questions regarding The Rivals Challenge, contact the YP4H team at or visit for information.

Congratulations to the 2016 OSU CARES Seed Grant Recipients

Seventeen of your OSU Extension colleagues; faculty and staff from five Ohio State colleges and two institutes/VP units; and ten community partners are involved in the 2016 OSU CARES grants. The grants were awarded in March and recognized at the May 3 Patterson Lecture and Outreach and Engagement Forum. Visit to learn more about the work of the 2016 OSU CARES grant teams, and visit to learn more about the annual James F. Patterson lecture.

 This year’s  OSU CARES grants focus on:

      Management of Algal Growth in Ohio’s Medium-Sized Lakes

      Securing the Future Workforce – Certifying Direct Care Workers in Long-Term Care

      Place-Based Leadership Academy Initiative

      Reducing Barriers to Entry for the Direct Sales of Local Foods in Ohio: A Review of Current Laws/Rules and Suggesting Changes for Ohio Businesses

Terri Fisher

Office Associate
Family and Consumer Sciences

381 Campbell Hall, 1787 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-4486 Office / 614-292-7478 Fax

CFAES Research News

Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES community that summarizes upcoming funding opportunities and provides updates, strategies, and grant writing tips.  The May newsletter contains 15 NEW funding opportunities that have been recently posted.   The AFRI Foundational Request for Proposal is anticipated to be released by mid-May and will have a 60 day turnaround for submission. See the May 2016 newsletter here.

BuckeyPass Update


Ohio State is committed to protecting our institutional and personal data. Over the past few years, phishing and identity theft crimes have increased in the higher education sector. As a result, Ohio State Enterprise Security is excited to announce a new multi-factor authentication service, BuckeyePass. This new BuckeyePass service will be powered by Duo Security, and is separate and independent from your university password. Your university password will never be shared with Duo. Beginning Sunday, May 15, several systems, including PeopleSoft Finance and eMaterials, will require BuckeyePass to authenticate. You can enroll any time in the next few weeks at Additional details are forthcoming as the implementation date gets closer. Read the full NewsLink article for details.



In June 2016, HR roles will be added to BuckIQ to improve data security and align access with other analytical tools. BuckIQ users with an established HR role in eReports will maintain access to reports associated with their role. For users who currently have access to HR reports in BuckIQ, but no HR role in eReports, the college or unit Security Liaison will be responsible for identifying the appropriate HR role for BuckIQ. Read the full NewsLink article for details.

CFAES Leadership Announcement

Search Ohio State

Dear Colleagues,

I write to advise you that Dr. Lonnie J. King, currently serving as special assistant to the provost, has agreed to serve as Acting Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Acting Dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). He will assume the roles presently held by Dr. Ronald L. Hendrick, who will leave Ohio State in June to become dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University. Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, Dr. King’s appointment is effective May 15, 2016.

His extensive leadership experience and countless scientific contributions align well with CFAES’s teaching and learning, research and innovation, and outreach and engagement missions. For example, in addition to serving as dean of Ohio State’s College of Veterinary Medicine (2009-2015), he also had served as a dean at Michigan State University (1996-2006). And, he had served as director of the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne and Enteric Diseases and led initiatives in public health, disease prevention, policy development and research.

Dr. King also worked in global trade agreements and has testified before the U. S. Congress on issues of emerging diseases in his role as the nation’s chief veterinarian. And, among his many distinctive honors, he is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine.

Please join me in wishing Ron well as he returns to Michigan State to lead his alma mater’s college and in thanking Lonnie for serving Ohio State in yet another pivotal leadership role.


Bruce A. McPheron, PhD
Interim Executive Vice President and Provost

Apple Quicktime – Urgent Message

Apple has announced they have discontinued support for Apple QuickTime on Microsoft Windows which means they will no longer provide updates to patch vulnerabilities.  There are at least two new vulnerabilities impacting QuickTime for which there will be no patches made available.  The Department of Homeland Security‘s U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and Apple are urging anyone who has QuickTime on a Microsoft Windows platform to remove the application immediately.

In most cases, QuickTime is not an important application and users won’t notice whether they have it or not. However, if there are mission-critical cases in your environment which require the use of QuickTime on Windows, please contact CFAES Information Security Officer Rob Clifford ( so we can explore alternatives or compensating controls to protect these systems and the business needs they serve.

Our Information Technology Services team has established a strategy to automatically remove QuickTime from the Windows platform on the Columbus and Wooster Campuses but manual intervention may be required at the distributed Extension and Outlying Agricultural Research Station sites. The removal of QuickTime on Windows is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 after classes and finals are over. In the meantime, IT Services staff will also be reaching out to some of you directly to discuss any concerns and remove QuickTime manually or refer you to Rob Clifford.

QuickTime Installations on Windows Throughout CFAES

Extension – 693

Columbus – 400

Wooster, ATI – 232

Wooster, OARDC – 50


Matt DeVore 
Chief Information Officer, CFAES
The Ohio State University
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Information Technology Services
203A Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3577 Office