For All PCard Users:
– Sponsorships guidelines have been added to the supporting documentation requirements. This requires approval from FAES before making the purchase. Sponsorship Guidelines
– PCard Statements: PCard statements must now be reviewed and signed by the PCard manager AND an additional person in the unit. This creates stronger internal controls.
– PCard Statements: PCard statements no longer need to be mailed to the Columbus BOC. (Cards that were reallocated in Columbus previously had to send statements to Columbus).Statements can remain in a file with the PCard manager.
– PCard Statements: The Business Operations Center may periodically request the PCard manager to mail one month’s statement and log to verify that proper procedures are being followed.
– Records Retention: Reminder – PCard statements and logs should be retained for 4 full years. Local copies of support documentation (receipts, attendee lists, packing slips) that have been scanned and attached to an eRequest should be retained for 60 days prior to destroying.
For Extension Only:
– User agreement forms and unit director agreement forms have been eliminated. The only form required for PCard designating PCard authority is completed by the PCard manager at the time of application. Unit directors may still choose to limit who may use the PCard. This simply eliminates the formal process for documentation.
– The Overnight Checkout Form is now optional. It may be used at the discretion of the PCard manager but is not required,
– A Non Capital Equipment Log is no longer required to be uploaded to the eRequest for PCard transactions. The log should still be updated as purchases are made; it is just no longer required to be attached.