Ohio State Alumni Awards Nomination Process

I write today to encourage you to submit nomination(s) for the 2016 Ohio State Alumni Awards. These awards are presented annually by the Alumni Association and recognize the institution’s most accomplished alumni.

We are coordinating a nomination process for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in hopes that we will have alums nominated across the College.  It is a great way to recognize alums for their work, accomplishments and contributions.  The applications are due March 31st – however, I am asking that you submit your nomination forms and materials to the below address by Monday, March 28.  If you plan electronically nominate please let Jody Poth know your intentions. Our office would be more than happy to help assist with the process in any way that might be helpful.   Please feel free to send this message to others who might have an interest in submitting a nomination.

For more information on past recipients and award categories, visit go.osu.edu/alumniawards. To nominate an alumnus, visit go.osu.edu/alumninomination.

CFAES had three alumni award winners last year because of your commitment to submitting nominations – which was the most representation from any college/unit.  Please help keep our alumni at the forefront of the university by taking the time to submit nomination(s).

Please submit nomination materials to:

CFAES Advancement
Attn: Jody Poth
216 Howlett Hall
2001 Fyffe Court
Columbus, OH 43210

Please let me know any questions you might have.



Jody L. Poth
Director of Alumni Engagement
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
256c Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Court, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-0250 Office / 614-580-2405 Mobile
poth.20@osu.edu cfaes.osu.edu

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