In accordance with the Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Policy 1.50 (see policy 1.50 in the General category) that was adopted in January of 2013; the CFAES Human Resources Office would like to remind everyone that all new, current, or currently unregistered programs with minor participants need to be registered on an annual basis. The 2016 annual registration period is now open.
A summary of the Registration Guidelines under the Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Policy 1.50 are as follows:
Units operating activities and programs with minors must register each activity or program with the Office of Human Resources at
1. Registration for ongoing and pre-established activities and programs with minors must be completed annually prior to the beginning of the university academic year.
2. Registration for other activities and programs with minors should be completed 60 days in advance when possible, but must be completed before an activity or program with minors begins.
As was mutually determined last year, the Extension Assistant Directors will register all programs that fall within their program areas; 4-H, A&R, CD and FCS. Extension Assistant Directors will follow the same procedure for registration utilized last year by registering the program (i.e, Carteens or 4-H camps), and then indicate which counties are participating in that program. County Extension Educators who have questions regarding the programs in their counties should contact their Assistant Directors directly.
Please register your ongoing or pre-established program by the deadline of Friday November 20, 2015. All other programs must be registered 60 days before the event takes place.
If you have any questions about the registration process please contact Kaylee Buzard at: or (330)263-3932.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Elayne M. Siegfried, Esq.
Human Resources Director
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691-4096
330-263-3932 Office / 330-263-3695 Fax