FAPESP Information for Faculty

Dear CFAES Faculty,

This email is intended to notify you of an upcoming call for proposals for collaborations between OSU faculty and faculty from higher education and research institutions from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This proposal call will be titled FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) and is expected to be released by the OSU Office of Research in the next couple of weeks (see attached power point outline of this RFA).

The purpose of this note is to encourage CFAES faculty to think about potential partners from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil with whom they may collaborate with to submit the required joint proposal. One of the critical eligibility requirements for the Brazilian collaborator will be that they have a current project funded by FAPESP. Attached, please find a list of FAPESP PI’s and research titles from the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ), a long term partner of CFAES. This list of eligible ESALQ faculty and projects has been organized according to CFAES departments to simplify the process of identifying a potential collaborator at ESALQ.

Furthermore, the Office of International Programs in Agriculture is prepared to assist interested CFAES faculty in linking with an ESALQ collaborators in order to develop a competitive proposal for this year’s FAPESP Award.

If you have any questions about the Ohio State-FAPESP Award or potential collaborators at ESALQ, please contact Mark Erbaugh in International Programs in Agriculture at erbaugh.1@osu.edu.

FAPESP Overview

ESALQ PI’s – OSU Department Grouping

Best regards,

Dr. J. Mark Erbaugh
International Programs in Agriculture
236 Agricultural Administration Bldg.
2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-6479 Office / 614-292-1757 Fax

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