Earth Day art shows

The Art & Technology courses will showcase their Spring semester final projects in two art shows on Earth Day, April 22, 2024.

The first is in Hopkins Hall, from 5pm – 7pm. The art projects from Digital Imaging, Internet Art, 3D Modeling, Animation, New Media Art and Studio Practice will be on display on the first floor of Hopkins Hall as part of the Undergraduate Open House.

Then, from 8pm – 10pm, the students in the Art & Science course will share their work in a larger exhibition at the OSU Biological Sciences Greenhouse, located on top of a parking garage at 332 W. 12th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210. Directions.

Sympathetic Sims: Autumn 2023 Exhibition

A robot sits at a desk, making artwork on the computer. The title says Sympathetic Sims.

Join us December 6, 5-7pm in Hopkins Hall for the Autumn 2023 Art & Tech Student exhibition, Sympathetic Sims.

Hopkins Hall First Floor Hallway Gallery & Rooms 146, 156, 167

Who’s been making artwork this semester and how?  As new technology based artwork grows and grapples with artificial intelligence we ask, who makes the work?  Are the computer’s simulations sympathetic to our artistic intentions?  What can we make that they cannot?  What can they make that we cannot?  Come see what our students have been up to in this AU 2023 exhibition of Art & Technology artwork at the Department of Art Open House.

The exhibition features a range of work coming out of our Digital Imaging, 3D modeling, Internet Art, Robotics, and Animation courses.  Learn about natural ink with the Living Art Eco Lab, experience Virtual Reality projects, and hang out with the Lichen Likers.

Exhibition Website

Tega Brain

Can a machine learn the environment? Artist Tega Brain will visit The Ohio State University campus to address this question as well as discuss her life and work in digital art. Tega Brain is an Australian-born artist and environmental engineer who explores issues of ecology, data, automation, and infrastructure in her works. She is an Industry Associate Professor of Integrated Design and Media at New York University.

The event will take place in the Wexner Center Film/Video Theater and is free and open to the public. Tega will be doing  studio visits with graduate students in Art while on campus.

Wexner Center exhibiting Illya Mousavijad

Go see the latest animation by Art & Technology faculty Illya Mousavijad, playing in the Box at the Wexner Center for the Arts. Aug 24, 2023–Oct 31, 2023

Between a Lost Home and a Losing Destination, courtesy of the artist.

Art & Tech Club: Reboot Meetup

Art & Tech Club Reboot Meetup Poster: Sept 13, 4-5pm, Hopkins 356

FROM: Gabriella Stauffer, Art & Tech Student Club member


ATTENTION ART AND TECHIES: A&T student club is on the lookout for NEW LEADERSHIP as the previous e-board has graduated. Please join us Next Wednesday, September 13th at 4pm in Hopkins 356 to discuss the future of the club. If you or someone you know is interested in taking on fulfilling leadership roles, developing and maintaining a thriving club of creatives, please share and join us on Sept. 13th. Linked in the poster is our Discord server, where past leadership and current members convene to share memes, talk about the club, and get feedback on artwork.

How much of a time commitment is it? E-board (executive board) is a low time commitment leadership role and can be flexible to school schedules. A board of leaders can meet as often as once or twice a week, or keep meetings fewer, meeting once a month. Meetings in the past have been done through Discord, and can be online or in-person.

What does Art and Tech Club do?

A&T club was designed to give A&T majors a place to convene and discuss personal creative growth and questions and comments about the department at large, and to foster a community of like-minded friends and teammates. It is non-exclusive and open to all majors at OSU! We have made a community of helpful peers in all walks of the art world, whether that be hobbyists or serious professionals.
What would a reboot look like? This is a fun question: that is up to you! The club is open for reimagination ✨ it can become a professional development club, or just a social club. It can be a place to meet friends, watch films, and get inspired, or it can be a thought-provoking critical analysis of media today. What kind of club do YOU want to see?

Join us to discuss!



Charles Csuri Act I: Artist as Interrupter

Charles Csuri: Art & Research in Three Acts Exhibition Poster with an image of Csuri.

Part 1 of the exhibition on view now!

The experimental work of Charles Csuri (1922–2022) undoubtedly shaped the world of computer art and prompted Smithsonian Magazine to dub him “the father of digital art and computer animation.” Csuri was the founder of the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) at The Ohio State University and co-founder of Cranston/Csuri Productions (CCP), giving rise to groundbreaking innovations in animation.

Charles Csuri: Art & Research in Three Acts will present a memorial exhibition at Hopkins Hall Gallery—hosted by Ohio State’s Urban Arts Space—that brings the public into an experience of Csuri’s life as both an artist and researcher. Highlights from the collection include previously unseen works from 1967–2022, the full version of the 1967 film Hummingbird as one of the earliest examples of computer animation, and Random War, which used a random number generator to underscore the indiscriminate impact of war. This exhibition is curated by Janice Glowski, Director of The Frank Museum of Art & Galleries at Otterbein University, who has curated Csuri’s work since 1999.

The project involves dozens of collaborators across disciplines at Ohio State and within the Columbus community and is generously funded by a grant for interdisciplinary collaborations in artificial intelligence in the arts, humanities, and engineering.

Charles Csuri Website:

Green Thumb Drive: Spring 2023 Exhibition

Green Thumb Drive Poster Image showing a usb drive with plants growing around it.

Join us April 24, 5-7pm in Hopkins Hall for the Spring 2023 Art & Tech Student exhibition, Green Thumb Drive.

Spring emerges as the semester draws to a close.  Our thumb drives are bursting with new files.  We’ve uploaded files and planted new seeds.  See our work live in this spring 2023 student exhibition featuring Art & Technology courses in the Department of Art.  Watch as this work downloads and grows.

Exhibition Website