Stream fish sampler; or, a shocking display

Cool demo Wednesday afternoon in Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area: electrofishing, a nonlethal way to sample fish populations, by three helpfully informative Ohio Division of Wildlife fisheries biologists.

Rock bass, longear sunfish, smallmouth bass, bluntnose minnows and two darter species, among others, were shocked with a DC current, briefly stunned, netted and then safely released in the Gwynne’s stretch of Deer Creek. The darters indicated good water quality and habitat.

Farm Science Review continues through 4 p.m. today.

‘When they saw all the fish dying, they tried to raise their voices’

Return of the River,” the story of a “remarkable campaign to set a river free, culminating in the largest dam removal in history,” screens at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, in Ohio State’s 2017 Environmental Film Series. Set on Washington state’s Elwha River, the film offers a story of “hope and possibility amid grim environmental news,” its website says. “It is a film for our time: an invitation to consider crazy ideas that could transform the world for the better.” Watch the trailer above.

Free and open to the public. Free pizza and beverages at 6:45 p.m. Postscreening discussion led by CFAES’s Chris Tonra and Bryon Ringley of Stantec in Columbus. Details.