Failed Animation, Limited Theory: Feminist Reflections in a Transnational Context, lecture by Professor Karen Redrobe, 9:30-11am, Feb 7, 2024 (Wed, HK Time), Room 3301 & Zoom
Title: Failed Animation, Limited Theory: Feminist Reflections in a Transnational Context
Speaker: Professor Karen Redrobe, Pennsylvania University, USA
Moderator: Professor Daisy Yan Du, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
Format: 40-50 minutes’ lecture, followed by around 30 minutes’ Q & A
Time: 9:30-11am, Feb 7, 2024 (Wed, Hong Kong Time)
Location: Room 3301 (Lifts no. 2, 17, 18), Academic Building, HKUST
Zoom ID: 956 6919 0626
Password: ACASSHSS
Film histories, theories, and textbooks have often focused on “peak” live-action moments, triumphant or movement-defining aesthetics, box office hits, award-winning auteurs, and dominant, enduring theories. As such narratives have largely prioritized white, male, heteronormative artists and thinkers, feminist historians and theorists have, not surprisingly, frequently demonstrated a more active interest in what might be designated unsuccessful, failed, marginalized, collaborative, modest, and even laughable filmmaking and theoretical efforts. This feminist preoccupation with the incomplete, the unresolved, and the non-triumphant, recently explored in Alix Beeston and Stefan Solomon’s coedited collection, The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film (2023), suggests what the British psychoanalytic feminist scholar Jacqueline Rose describes as an “ethics of failure” (“Why War?”). For Rose, being willing to fail and resisting the “conviction of absolute truth” is intimately linked to the avoidance of war and warlike violence. In this talk, I will reflect informally, at the intersection of animation and film theory and within the context of 21st century efforts to develop transnational scholarly methods that do not reproduce colonial forms of knowledge, on the possibilities for thought generated in spaces of incompletion, failure, and provisionality. Continue reading Failed Animation, Limited Theory