Science for Success: Answering Soybean Questions

science for success

With funding from United Soybean Board, soybean agronomists across the U.S. are hosting a ‘Notes from the Field’ webinar series the first Friday of each month beginning May 7. Join research and extension specialists from Land Grant institutions for monthly informal discussion on production topics of timely relevance. Bring your questions!

When-  May 7, June 4, July 9, and August 6 at 9:00 AM eastern time

Want to plug in- Register to attend (via Zoom) for each monthly session and you will receive Zoom login information. Register at:

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Lindsey ( or 614-

Teaching Youth to be Safe Around Livestock

Sabrina Schirtzinger, ANR Educator Knox County

A child feeding livestock with proper footwear.

Feeding livestock with proper footwear.

Owning and working livestock is the first step to teaching youth responsibilities on the farm. Younger children may not be aware of the dangers that come with this responsibility. As parents it is our duty to teach our children the proper ways to work with animals to ensure safety.

Begin with the basics:

Clean, Working Facilities

Barns should be free of tripping hazards and cluttered areas to decrease the risk of injury. Fences, gates, alleyways, and panels should be free of rusty nails, loose bolts, broken boards, and gaps in pens.

A key part of livestock handling safety is keeping equipment and facilities in proper working order.


Continue reading Teaching Youth to be Safe Around Livestock

Balancing Your Health and the Spring To-Do List

Richard Purdin, OSU Extension, Adams County ANR/CD Educator

Stressed farmer in the field.The month of May is a busy time on the farm, from making hay to building fence, planting crops, and tending to livestock. For many small and medium sized farms these tasks are commonly placed on the shoulders of a few individuals. With less labor force available on smaller farms, producers can easily become consumed in the work at hand and forget about taking care of their health and wellness. Here are a few steps you can take this spring to stay physically and mentally well.

Signs of Becoming Overstressed

Farming is a very stressful occupation, long work hours, seasonal demands, inconsistent weather, and finances can be a few of the many factors that can lead to stress on the farm. Farmers and farm workers need to learn the signs of stress. Some key factors of becoming over stressed include:

  • Lack of sleep or inability to sleep.
  • Moodiness or poor attitude.
  • Change in eating habits.
  • Depression or lack of communication with others.
  • Weakened immune system.

Continue reading Balancing Your Health and the Spring To-Do List

Hay in May is a Big Deal!


– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

Hay making requires a balance between nutritional value and when yield is maximized.

Hay season is officially underway!

In the years since I began working in Noble County there have been two years where conditions were right for making dry hay in May- 2020 and 2021. The smell of mowed hay drying in the warm sun and the sight of fresh round bales peppering fields this past week gave me a boost of much needed optimism. For people concerned with the quality of hay, this is exciting stuff.




Continue reading Hay in May is a Big Deal!

Hay Barn Fires are a Real Hazard

Hay fires are caused when bacteria in wet hay create so much heat that the hay spontaneously combusts in the presence of oxygen. At over 20% moisture mesophilic bacteria release heat-causing temperature to rise between 130°F to 140ºF with temperature staying high for up to 40 days. As temperatures rise, thermophilic bacteria can take off in your hay and raise temperature into the fire danger zone of over 175°F. Continue reading Hay Barn Fires are a Real Hazard