Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

An internship represents a learning experience to try out a career idea, define your career goals, and learn more about yourself and the world of work. The following web-sites provide information about internships opportunities. They are listed under general internship information, internships specific to different majors, internships for diverse populations, and for those who would like to get international experiences.

You may also want to contact Buckeye Careers to learn more how your career services office can assist you with internship opportunities within your college. Career Counseling and Support Services does not work with employers.

Undergraduate Researchers Needed

Students are welcome to apply on our website by clicking here to be considered for current and future openings in our lab!.

Research Description: Experimenters needed for studies on the effects of stress on immune function. Availability of at least 9 hours each week spread across two or three shifts is highly desirable. Depending on your availability/interests, you will be responsible for tasks on one or more studies. Current studies address questions related to psychological/behavioral influences on a key aspect of immune function–inflammation, as well as molecular markers of aging.

Our current studies examine:

  • How one’s physical fitness, mood, and stress can affect the immune response to infection.
  • The ability of chemotherapy and depression to alter triglyceride responses following meals in ways that would promote atherosclerosis.
  • How inflammation affects behavioral symptoms, including pain sensitivity, mood, social behavior, and cognitive problems.
  • Marital stress, and how a couple’s interactions may affect their immune system and their aging.
  • How the stresses of providing for a husband or wife with Alzheimer’s disease may promote depression and anxiety in caregivers, and simultaneously promote the aging of the immune system.

Based on personal strengths and interests, Stress & Health lab students often have the opportunity to:

  • Work face-to-face with research participants including breast cancer patients and adults from the community
  • Be involved in behind-the-scenes data collection and organization.
  • Learn in an interdisciplinary environment with lab managers, research assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows from several fields.  This is a good opportunity to learn about possible career paths in research.
  • Obtain more responsibilities over time; some of these responsibilities may be similar to those of a first or second year graduate student.

Student Participation: Responsibilities may include: Administering psychosocial stress tasks to research participants. Conducting interviews about life stress and daily dietary intake with research participants. Collecting heart rate variability, bionutritional and psychological self-report data in hospital clinics. An excellent opportunity for someone considering graduate or medical school! We require a commitment of 300 lab hours, approximately two semesters of working 9 hours per week, in order to earn a letter of recommendation.

Special Qualifications Needed: Detail-oriented, self-motivated, communication skills, professional appearance; at least a two semester commitment. Preference for students who are available to work in this internationally recognized lab one or two years.  Students must complete CITI training on Human Subjects Research before beginning work in the lab.

Childcare Assistance Grant for Parenting Students


CCAMPIS: Child Care Access Means Parents in School

The Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program, authorized by the Higher Education Act and administered by the U.S. Department of Education, supports the participation of low-income parents in postsecondary education through the provision of quality licensed, nationally accredited campus or community childcare services for children six weeks to 12 years old. CCAMPIS provides: priority scheduling, evening childcare, life skills coaching, and referrals to university and community resources.


In order to be eligible for CCAMPIS funding you must:

  • Be a Columbus campus student
  • Be a Pell Grant eligible full-time student or low-income graduate student
  • Determined by filing a FAFSA PRIOR to applying for the childcare stipend.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Be the parent of a child/children aged six weeks to 12 years old, with the child/children having been claimed as the dependent on your previous year’s federal tax return. (If child was not old enough to have been claimed on last year’s tax return, a copy of the birth certificate will suffice.)
    Learn more

Questions? Contact Stephanie Fields, Program Coordinator