Get Your BQA Certification Now—Some Packers To Require It in 2019

By: Sara Brown, previously published by Drovers online

Earlier this year, several beef packers announced they would require Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification from fed cattle suppliers, starting Jan. 1, 2019. Leaders from Tyson and Cargill say this effort is driven by beef retailers and consumers, who are asking for more information about how cattle are raised.

Cargill is on schedule to meet its commitment for 90% of its suppliers being compliant by the end of 2018. “We support both BQA and the BQA Transportation because we believe it is the right thing to do for caring for, and handling, cattle,” says Lacey Alexander, Cargill’s animal welfare lead for beef. Continue reading Get Your BQA Certification Now—Some Packers To Require It in 2019

Animal Welfare Tops List of American Causes

By: Greg Henderson, previously published by Drovers online

Americans say they care more about animal welfare than children’s education and hunger. That’s according to the findings of the “Causes Americans Care About,” a new study that gathered responses from 1,000 adults, 41% of which chose animal welfare number one. Children’s education ranked second with 38% of respondents, followed by hunger, chosen by 33% of respondents. Continue reading Animal Welfare Tops List of American Causes

Wayne Pacelle Resigns as HSUS CEO

By: Sara Brown (Previously Printed in Drovers On-Line)

Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle resigned Friday, hours after the nonprofits board voted to retain his leadership, following a recent investigation into claims of sexual misconduct of three employees. Pacelle denied the claims.

Seven board members resigned in protest immediately after the board’s decision. The move to keep Pacelle also defied demands by several major donors to cut ties with the longtime executive, or risk losing their financial and cooperative support, according to coverage from the Washington Post. Continue reading Wayne Pacelle Resigns as HSUS CEO