“Improving Your Grain Marketing Plan” Workshops to be Held

By: Chris Bruynis, OSU Extension Educator

Do you want to do a better job of pricing your corn and soybeans? Is grain marketing a confusing and daunting task? If so, this workshop is for you!

Ohio State University Extension is offering a three-session workshop focused on helping farmers become better grain marketers. Participants will have a better understanding of risk, marketing tools, and the development of written marketing plans. These workshops are funded through a North Central Risk Management Education Grant and being offered in six locations throughout Ohio. Additional information can be found at http://go.osu.edu/grainplan.

Participants will learn to identify their personal risk tolerance and their farm’s financial risk capacity. Both of these are important in developing a successful grain marketing plan. Participants will also learn how crop insurance products effect marketing decisions and effect risk capacity. Grain marketing consists of understanding and managing many pieces of information. Information on the different grain marketing contracts will be presented. These include basis, hedging, cash, futures, and option contracts. Additionally, participants will be provided an example of a grain marketing plan and the fundamental principles that should be included.

The courses will be offered on three consecutive Tuesdays, two locations each time. Programs in Paulding and Henry Counties will start January 8, 2019. The Fayette and Champaign County programs will commence on January 22, 2019. The final programs will be in Miami and Darke Counties starting on January 29, 2019. For specific times and locations, as well as program registration instruction, go to http://go.osu.edu/grainplan and select the county you plan to attend. Cost for the program is $45.00 for the first registration and $60.00 for two registrations from the same farm business. Included in registration are the workshop notebook and meals/refreshments (depending on location).

To request additional information or have questions answered regarding the Henry County program, contact Garth Ruff at 419-592-0806 or at ruff.72@osu.edu.

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