By Jessie Schulze and Sarah Noggle, Ohio State University Extension
Nutrient Management Plan Writers are still working for the 2018 year in the Western Lake Erie Basin to write free plans for non-CAFO farmers. Our goal is to complete 65,000 acres for NMP’s in 2018. These plans are written free of charge to farmers and require a small amount of your time and effort. As the plan writers, we gather information that is pertinent to your farm such as your crop rotations, tillage practices, current (within three years) soil test results, yield goals, conservation goals, where water is and more. Then we take that information and work it into several computer programs to complete a NMP or CNMP for your farm. These plans may be required for many financial institutions when building new livestock structures. They may also help with your plan to apply for EQIP funding through NRCS and serve as affirmative defense through SWCD. The NMP may help you reduce your fertilizer cost and provide 4R recommendations for nutrient stewardship practices for your farm.
All four NMP Writers are available to work with anyone from the WLEB and if you would like to discuss a NMP or CNMP for your farm please contact one of us at our offices:
Jessie Schulze – Defiance County – 419-782-4771 –
Linda Lauber – Fulton County – 419-337-9210 –
Tony Campbell – Paulding County – 419-399-8225 –
Brittany Sieler – Wood County – 419-354-9050 –
You can also contact any of your county Extension Ag Educators who can forward the information to us.