It was determined that two propellers were more efficient in all aspects of maneuvering the AEV. With one propeller, to start the AEV took an extensively more amount of time than with the two motor configuration. It can be seen below that the power utilized for both the two motor trials was almost doubled, since the batter had to run two motors instead of one; however, the effects of the distance it was able to travel increased as well. Even more, when the motors quit running, the two propeller configuration continued moving much farther than the single blade design. From this fact, the conclusion was drawn that the two blade design was able to build up more momentum than that of the single blade. From all of these facts, it has been determined that the two motor configuration will be carried forward. This design will allow the AEV to maximize efficiency to continue movement even if the motors are not running. It can also be seen that when the power raises again to change the polarity of the motors and move the AEV in reverse, the two motor design was actually able to move the AEV unlike the 1 motor design which could not.
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Single Motor Configuration:
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Two Motor Configuration:
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