Spring 2019

During Spring 2019, I finished my Master’s in Public Administration degree at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. To do this, I had to take two final courses: PUBAFR 7900, the capstone paper, and PUBAFR 6890, a one-hour skills course on professional development.

Exemplary Community Service AwardThe professional development course was extremely useful, taught by the career academic adviser at the Glenn College. In my opinion, it should become a regular offering at the college. The capstone paper almost killed me. Although I wrote about a topic I am extremely involved with — how cities can get to 100% renewable energy — the amount of rewriting and frankly unreasonable demands from the professor almost led me to withdraw from the course. But after encouragement from my Glenn College advisor, I stayed in, earning barely enough points to pass with a B, but I did get the B.

In May the Glenn College held a pre-graduation ceremony in which it gave out awards to graduating students.  I won the award for exemplary community service.