Before I entered a degree program at Ohio State, I spent about four years taking courses out of interest. I have taken classes most semesters since 2008. Here are highlights from the assignments for some of these classes. (Note: Some of the course numbers are from the quarter system.)
Comm 6806 – Contemporary Theories of Communication
Final Paper: Misinformation from Front Groups (pdf)
Rural Soc 5500 – Diffusion of Innovations
Final Paper: The Effects of Social Media in the Animal Protection Movement
ENR 5600 – Sustainable Agriculture
Book Review: Merchants of Doubt
Final Project: HSUS Ag Councils From Contention to Cooperation
Poli Sci 597 – Food Politics
Final Paper: Pork
AEDE 597 – Food, Population and Environment
Final Paper: Democratic Republic of Congo
Final Presentation: Democratic Republic of Congo
EEOB 405 – Organismic Diversity
ENR 415 – Zoo Science and Management
Anim Sci 240 – Animals and Society
Final Paper: Effect of California’s Prop 2 on Welfare of Egg-Laying Hens
Anim Sci 210 – Introduction to Animal Science
Bio 116H
Essay: Banana
Bio 115H
Chem 121