Putting poison hemlock in perspective

By:  Mark Loux, Ted Wiseman, and Allen Gahler

Poison hemlock seems to be on everyone’s radar more than usual this year, especially in northern Ohio.  We know that while hemlock has been all over southern Ohio for years, it is continuing to spread northward, where new occurrences and observations of it may be engendering concern in the general public and local government. There have also been comments that it seems “worse than usual” this year in some areas, and we don’t have a ready explanation for what would cause this.  Continue reading Putting poison hemlock in perspective

Be on Alert for Gypsy Moth in Williams County

Gypsy moth larvae (caterpillars) in the 4th-6th instars have 5 pairs of blue spots followed by 6 pairs of red spots. Photo credit: Amy Stone, OSU Extension Lucas County.

Our office has received multiple reports of gypsy moth in the past two weeks from Williams County landowners. This invasive pest is currently in the larval (caterpillar) stage of its life cycle, and can be seen feeding on the leaves of various tree and shrub species, especially oak trees. At this point in the year, gypsy moth is difficult to manage and efforts should shift to scouting for pupa, or the next stage of the life cycle that transforms larvae into moths. Continue reading Be on Alert for Gypsy Moth in Williams County

Canada thistle rebounds?

By:  Mark Loux

It can be nice to see old friends.  Except when they cause crop and yield loss, refuse to leave after a few days, and don’t respond to chemicals.  A while back we wrote about what appeared to be an increase in populations of dandelions and other winter weeds and made some guesses about why this was happening.  Canada thistle has once again become a problem in some fields in a big way, probably for some of the same reasons that dandelion has.  Our history with thistle during the past 30+ years is that it was a major problem before the widespread adoption of RoundupReady soybeans in the late 1990s.  Back then we had to take advantage of specific windows in the cropping cycle to try to get control with glyphosate, and the rest of the time we just tried to keep it from getting worse.  The “all glyphosate, all the time” strategy during the first decade of RoundupReady soybeans handled thistle and other perennials such as milkweed and hemp dogbane well, and we didn’t hear much about them.  Now we are though, and increases in thistle could be due to the following: Continue reading Canada thistle rebounds?

June 24th CORN Live Webinar Focuses on Weeds in Soybeans and Wheat Harvest

By:  Mary Griffith, Amanda Douridas, Mike Estadt, Will Hamman

The next session of CORN Live is this Thursday, June 24th from 8:00 – 9:00 am. This week’s webinar will touch on a variety of issues, starting with a crop progress report and field updates from Jason Hartschuh, Extension Educator in Crawford County, and a review of weed management in soybeans with Mark Loux, Professor and Extension Specialist in Weed Science at OSU. Continue reading June 24th CORN Live Webinar Focuses on Weeds in Soybeans and Wheat Harvest

Open and Late Calving Cows: The Conundrum

By:  Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist, OSU Extension

Figuring out why we have a late calving female is important when deciding to keep or cull.

Being that most of the spring calving cow herds in Ohio and beyond have calved, and breeding season is upon us, there is a cow conundrum that we need to discuss. In the 9 or months that I have been in this position, my favorite questions to answer have quickly become “how quickly can I rebreed a late calving cow?” or “I have a spring calving cow that calved late or never calved at all, can I roll her over to the fall?” Continue reading Open and Late Calving Cows: The Conundrum

June 10th Webinar focuses on In-season Nitrogen Application

By:  Mary Griffith, Amanda Douridas, Mike Estadt, Will Hamman

As many producers are getting ready to side-dress corn, the agronomic crops team will host a free webinar on June 10th focused on important considerations and practices to achieve the efficient application of nitrogen. The webinar will be the first session of a new series called CORN Live which will be offered throughout the growing season to address timely issues related to agronomic crop production and management as they emerge. Continue reading June 10th Webinar focuses on In-season Nitrogen Application

Private Pesticide Recertification Deadline is July 1

Private pesticide and fertilizer applicators who expired either in March 2020 or 2021 have until July 1 to recertify and renew. A self-paced online recertification course is available at https://pested.osu.edu/onlinerecert. You can also access the course by clicking the purple box titled “Self-Paced Recertification Courses” at pested.osu.edu (see screenshot image below).

Screenshot of pested.osu.edu homepage

Continue reading Private Pesticide Recertification Deadline is July 1

In-Person Small Grains Field Day: June 22 at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County

By:  Laura Lindsey, Eric Richer, CCA, Nick Eckel, Ed Lentz, CCA

Join OSU Extension for an in-person small grains field day on June 22 at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County. Topics include high input wheat, winter malting barley management, specialty small grains (spring small grains, spelt, hard wheat, and more!), weed control, and double-crop opportunities. Continue reading In-Person Small Grains Field Day: June 22 at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County