Don’t Let Your Guard Down On Fall Armyworm, Just Yet
By: Andy Michel, Curtis Young, CCA, Aaron Wilson, Kelley Tilmon, Mark Sulc Last week, we discussed the possibility of a cold snap limiting any future fall armyworm outbreaks. We did have some fairly low temperatures last week—most areas had 40…

Predictions for Round 2 of Fall Armyworm
By: Andy Michel, Kelly Tilmon, Curtis Young, Mark Sulc, Aaron Wilson “Could Ohio really face another generation of fall armyworm in the next few weeks?” This has been the most frequent question from many of our stakeholders—and rightfully so given…

Managing Forage Stands Damaged by Fall Armyworm
By: Mark Sulc A severe and fall armyworm outbreak developed across Ohio and neighboring states. It has caused serious destruction in many forage fields. For more complete details on this pest, including how to scout for this pest and options…

Unusual Fall Armyworm Outbreaks are Taking Many by Surprise
By: Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel, Mark Sulc, James Morris, Curtis Young, CCA We have received an unusual number of reports about fall armyworm outbreaks particularly in forage including alfalfa and sorghum sudangrass, and in turf. Certain hard-hit fields have been all but stripped bare…

Remember soybean aphids? They might be in your fields
By: Andy Michel and Kelley Tilmon Note for Williams County growers: If you suspect soybean aphids in your field, please call ANR Educator Steph Karhoff at 419-519-6047 with field location and soybean variety to have your field scouted and aphid…