eFields Partnering with Growers to Evaluate Xyway™ Fungicide
By: Stephanie Karhoff Preventing significant yield losses from disease is likely on the forefront of growers’ minds following the 2021 growing season. A new product in our disease management toolbox is FMC’s fungicide Xyway™ LFR®. OSU Extension eFields program is…
OSU Extension Williams County to Monitor Corn Pests and Pathogens
OSU Extension Williams County will be monitoring for Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) moths again during the 2022 growing season. Moths are trapped by placing pheromone traps (see picture) at the edge of corn fields throughout the county, and checked on…

Low Vomitoxin Levels in Corn but Rain and Delayed Harvest Could Change this Picture
By: Pierce Paul, Wanderson B. Moraes, Marian Luis After walking more than 40 corn fields and sampling more than 3,500 ears, we believe that Gibberella ear rot (GER), and consequently, vomitoxin levels likely will be much lower this year than they were…

Answer your Tar Spot Questions with On-Farm Research
By: Stephanie Karhoff To growers’ dismay, 2021 is shaping up to be a “good” year for Tar Spot (“good” if you are a plant pathologist at least). Though the combine will have the last say on Tar Spot’s yield impact…

“Take the Test & Beat the Pest” – Free SCN Soil Testing Available in 2021
As part of the SCN Coalition surveillance program, free SCN testing will be available to soybean growers in Williams, Fulton, Henry, and Hillsdale (MI) Counties again in 2021. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), is the #1 yield-limiting soybean pathogen in the…