The Energy vs. Time figure for the AEV’s four runs can be found below.
A total of four runs are shown in this figure. Each run corresponds to slight tweaks in the code that was run. Each of the respective programs can be found in Exercise 4, here. Examining Static Test 1, it is clear that an increasing amount of power was used to accelerate the motors to a speed in 3 seconds. Next, the motors were held at this speed for 1 second, as shown by the steady horizontal line. The AEV was then told to decrease the power by a bit, resulting in slightly less power used. At 6 seconds, the motors were reversed, resulting in an immediate, large spike in power. The motors held a constant speed for 2 seconds, before braking and decreasing back to 0 Watts.
The Energy vs. Distance figure for the AEV’s four runs can be found below.
Looking at Static Test 1 in regards, to power versus distance, similar observations can be made. A large amount of power is used to accelerate and reverse the motors, along with a large, but stable, amount of power to keep the vehicle moving.