Got a garden? Lean on your land grant

Lots of Ohioans started gardening this spring, some for the very first time, possibly including you. In a time of pandemic and staying at home, gardening gets you out into fresh air and sunshine, keeps you socially distanced, and yields healthy food for your family.

Call it, yes, a victory garden—one that stretches your food budget, limits your time in the grocery store, and helps ease the strain on food supply chains.

So how, now that your garden is growing, can you keep it strong all summer long?

Tim McDermott, an agriculture and natural resources educator with CFAES’ OSU Extension outreach arm who runs the Growing Franklin food-growing blog, shares his top six tips, especially for beginners.

Test your soil

A soil test will tell if your crops have the pH and nutrients needed for big, healthy crops. Learn more in the CFAES fact sheet at and at

Use mulch

Spreading mulch on top of your soil will help it stay cool and conserve moisture—keys in the dog days of summer. “Your plants will be happier because of it,” McDermott says. Try grass clippings, composted leaves, plastic film, sawdust, hay, or straw. Mulch also helps suppress weeds.

Consider containers

Not enough room for a garden? Or wanting to add to what you’ve started? Consider growing crops in containers. “It’s a great way to grow fruit, vegetables, and herbs in small spaces,” McDermott says. Learn more in his blog post at and his webinar at

Give enough water

Garden plants need about an inch of water a week—but may need more in hot weather.

Nix weeds

Nip any weeds in the bud—literally or figuratively, as the case may be. Tackle them early—don’t let them go to seed. “It’s easier to stop one plant instead of many,” McDermott says.

Plan for fall

Fall’s a great time for gardens. “The rain comes back, there’s plenty of daylight, and the bugs start to go away,” McDermott says. “Plus pollinators are looking for food.” Kale, Swiss chard, spinach, and lettuce are some of the good crops for autumn.

“Remember that your growing is supported by OSU Extension,” McDermott adds. “We have offices in all 88 counties as well as Ask a Master Gardener and Ask an Expert help lines ( and

“Feel free to contact us for assistance. We want to help you succeed.”

Photo: Getty Images.

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