Got a garden? Lean on your land grant

Lots of Ohioans started gardening this spring, some for the very first time, possibly including you. In a time of pandemic and staying at home, gardening gets you out into fresh air and sunshine, keeps you socially distanced, and yields healthy food for your family.

Call it, yes, a victory garden—one that stretches your food budget, limits your time in the grocery store, and helps ease the strain on food supply chains.

So how, now that your garden is growing, can you keep it strong all summer long?

Tim McDermott, an agriculture and natural resources educator with CFAES’ OSU Extension outreach arm who runs the Growing Franklin food-growing blog, shares his top six tips, especially for beginners.

Continue reading Got a garden? Lean on your land grant

Something to do while you’re staying at home

The video above, by CFAES horticulture educator Pam Bennett, is seven years old, but the suggestions are still good today. Now’s the time of year to get your garden ready for spring, and, with Ohio’s coronavirus “stay at home” order about to begin, you might have some time for a good head start.

Bennett is also the program director of our state Master Gardener Volunteers program, and if you’re interested in joining and serving with the program at some point down the road, you can learn more about it here.

Secrest has secrets. Here’s a chance to see them

Discover Secrest Arboretum’s “far corners and hidden treasures”—plants and places that visitors rarely see (including the distant “back 40”)—on a tour called “Hidden Gems of Secrest” set for Wednesday, Oct. 23. Hours are 1-3 p.m. Admission is free but registration is required. The arboretum is part of our CFAES Wooster campus.

Find out more and register. (Photo: Getty Images.)

How to grow garlic in Ohio (hint: now’s the time to plant it)

In Ohio, it’s best to plant garlic in fall, and a free CFAES fact sheet has tips to help you do it—plus details on fertilizing, avoiding pests, harvesting, and the three main types of garlic you can choose from.

Continue reading How to grow garlic in Ohio (hint: now’s the time to plant it)