Engaged Organizations: Cincinnati Climate Change Task Force

Picture courtesy of catholiccincinnati.org

In 2009, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati signed on to the St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation. Since then, they have started their own Climate Change Task Force. This task force has adopted the mission of committing themselves to work towards a sustainable world based off of the responsibility to Care for God’s Creation. They work to implement the five pillars of the pledge: praying, learning, assessing, acting, and advocating for the environment and the poor. To read about recent activities the Climate Change Task Force has engaged in, click here for a pdf guide. To learn more from their website and offered resources, click here.

Engaged Organizations: National Religious Coalition on Creation Care

Picture courtesy of nrccc.org

The National Religious Coalition on Creation Care is an organization that strives to meet four main goals: to hold conversations about the human responsibility to God and his creation, to provide a moral test for whether or not an action is right before God, to establish an easily communicated religious and spiritual basis for a just society, and to reveal a vision on how society must transform its attitude and become one with the ecosystem of the planet. They represent an array of religious denominations that are all united in certain principles concerning human responsibility toward God’s Creation. Their website includes resources for all lifestyles and perspectives that one may be searching for. To learn more, click here.


Engaged Organizations: The Catholic Climate Covenant

Picture courtesy of catholicclimatecovenant.org

The Catholic Climate Covenant is the US Catholics response to the Church’s call to care for creation and care for the poor. They are based out of Washington, DC, and are supported by 14 national partners. Among their many ambitions, they aim to teach Catholics on climate change, equip them to care for creation and the poor, and inspire leaders to take actions. They have helped 140 Creation Care Teams lead their communities, organized 7 national press conferences, and helped supporters send over 10,000 letters in support of climate change. Additionally, their work has been mentioned in over 3,000 media stories. Their website includes environmental programs, teachings, and resources. To learn more, visit their website by clicking here.

Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – Jewish

Photo Credit: http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/ explorations/topics/climate-change/websites-organizations

The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life is the Jewish Resource for environmental health and sustainability. It has everything from success stories to resources, and is a great source of information. To check out the full website, follow this link.

Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – Evangelical

Photo Credit: http://www.yecaction.org/partners/

The Evangelical Environmental Network is a valuable source of information on sustainability and environmental awareness. It shows how people can come together in the church community and help make it a better place. To see what all is available, check out their homepage here.


Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – Unitarian

This Unitarian website is home to countless resources from the Unitarian faith. It includes a calendar of events as well as various success stories from within the community. To read more about this, follow this link.


Photo Credit: http://uuministryforearth.org/

Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – United Methodist

The United Methodist Church addresses environmental issues in a different way. They call their page that focuses on these issues: Social Principles, The Natural World. Through this, you can find information about the Methodists viewpoints on water, energy, animal life, or even space. To check this out, click here.

Photo Credit: http://www.umc.org/


Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – Catholic

The Catholic faith has its own set of resources when it comes to environmental awareness. Their website contains lessons on advocacy, environmental justice, and other areas of life. One program, the Environmental Justice Program, is helping people of the Catholic faith to reach out and protect the environment, especially with the poor in mind. The home website can be found here, and more information on the environmental justice program can be found here.


Photo Credit: http://wwwmigrate.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/environment/