Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s Response to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement

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Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, issued a statement of disappointment in President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement. “The Reform Movement condemns, with the utmost gravity and disappointment, the President’s decision to exit the historic Paris Climate Agreement… Joining with people of faith worldwide, including Pope Francis, the Reform Movement has strongly supported efforts to address the causes and impact of our changing climate.” To read the entire statement, click here.

Evangelical Environmental Network Response to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement

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The Evangelical Environment Network released a statement after President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United Stated from the Paris Climate Agreement. “President Trump has acted against climate action.  If your response is inaction, then you are with President Trump and against what God is calling each of us to: overcoming climate change while creating sustainable prosperity for all.” To read the entire statement, click here.

Church World Service Response to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement

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Church World Service released a statement after the announcement that the United Stated will withdraw from the Paris agreement: “CWS strongly condemns President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Coming at a time when the world is facing its largest humanitarian and refugee crisis since World War II, this decision will directly impact impoverished and vulnerable communities around the world and in the United States that are already facing the consequences of a changing climate.” To read the entire statement, click here.

Creation Justice Ministries and National Council of Churches Response to Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal

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Creation Justice Ministries and the National council of Churches made a joint statement of disappointment and sorrow at President Trump’s announcement that the United States will withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. “We believe this withdrawal endangers a sustainable future, departs from the will of the whole world, and breaks the Great Commandment to love God and neighbor.” To read the entire statement, click here.

New Community Project Creative Arts Page

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The New Community Project created a creative arts page to offer resources for justice, peace, and care for creation. In the caring for creation section, there are skits, checklists, and worship resources all centered around this topic. To read all the specific offerings, click here.

New Community Project Sustainable Living Centers

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New Community Project’s Sustainable Living Centers are located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and Starksboro, Vermont. They are meant to put the groups principles into practice by teaching energy efficiency, eco-building principles, and sustainable transportation to visitors and workers. They also use these buildings to work on their Undoing Global Warming Campaign. To read more on the work that is done at these living centers, click here.

Calculating Your Ecological Footprint

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The New Community Project produced this lifestyle assessment tool that can be used to calculate a person’s ecological footprint. To read more and calculate your own ecological footprint, click here.

Turn Down the Heat

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Turn Down the Heat is a printable pamphlet offered by the New Community Project. It focuses on explaining all things that should be known and done about global warming. To read more or download and print this pamphlet, click here.

If a Tree Falls

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If a Tree Falls is a program from the New Community Project based on rain forest preservation. Through this charity program, they are helping restore and preserve forests in Myanmar, South Sudan, and the Ecuadorian Amazon. To read more on each specific project or donate, click here.

Cooling Global Warming

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Cooling Global Warming is a fact sheet on ways to help “cool” global warming. Offered by the New Community Project, it includes simple changes such as recycling and shutting off the lights to more intense changes such as switching to a vegan diet. To read more about Cooling Global Warming, click here.