Radical Joy for Hard Times


Picture courtesy of radicaljoyforhardtimes.org/

Radical Joy for Hard Times is a worldwide community of people dedicated to bringing meaning, beauty, and value to places that have been damaged by human or natural acts. Rad Joy educates, supports, and connects communities around the world to create Earth Exchanges, experiential gatherings in which people visit wounded places, get to know them as they are now, share their stories of what they mean to them, and make a simple, spontaneous work of art there. Often, this “gift to the place” is the Rad Joy Bird, made by the group out of materials found on site. To read more about Radical Joy for Hard Times, click here.

Earth Sangha

Picture courtesy of earthsangha.org

Earth Sangha is a non-profit public charity based in Washington, DC. Their mission is to work towards ecological restoration as a form of socially engaged Buddhism. Although they work in the spirit of Buddhist practice, their volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and their work is secular and science based. To read more about Earth Sangha, click here.

Mennonite Creation Care Network

Picture courtesy mennocreationcare.org

Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN) is a Christian organization affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA and Canada. They work to engage people with their peers and facilitate partnerships, gather and share faith-based resources, bring lessons learned by individual congregations to the broader community, and support each other in prayer. To read more about the MCCN, click here.

Quaker Earthcare Witness


Picture courtesy of quakerearthcare.org

Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of Quakers that are taking spirit-led action to address the ecological and social crises of the world from a spiritual perspective. They support reforms in laws, technology, education, and institutions, but their main focus is on facilitating the transformation of humans’ attitudes, values, identity, and worldview that underlie much of the environmental destruction going on in the world today. To read more, click here.

Partnership for Earth Spirituality

Partnership for Earth Spirituality

Picture courtesy of http://www.earthspirituality.org/

Partnership for Earth Spirituality is a non-profit organization that brings together people from various religious traditions, ages, cultures and economic backgrounds to promote a better understanding of the interdependence of ecology and spirituality. Their vision is explored through retreats, forums, seasonal rituals, wilderness experiences, programs for children, hands-on projects and education for sound environmental policies. To read more, click here.

Ecospirituality Resources

Picture courtesy ecospiritualityresources.com

Ecospirituality Resource is a website that connects concern for creation with growing faith, integrates new scientific discoveries with beliefs and lifestyles, and deepens the understanding of threats to Earth’s life systems and the call to respond. Everything on the website is free and downloadable. To read more about Ecospirituality, click here.

San Diego Creation Care Team Success Stories

Picture courtesy of catholicclimatecovenant.org

Catholic Climate Covenant has created two short videos to discuss how different churches in the San Diego diocese in California have worked to be better stewards of God’s creation. The parish of Our Mother of Confidence in San Diego, California, has taken action to reduce water and energy usage while the Saint James Parish and Academy in Solana Beach, California, has implemented environmentally conscious projects and initiatives in their community. To watch these two short videos, click here.