Learn More about Climate Change in Ohio

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This article from The Columbus Dispatch discusses the facts pointing towards climate change specifically in Columbus. It also offers scientific hypotheses of what will happen in Columbus in the future if our temperatures continue to rise and the climate continues to change at the current rate. Click here to learn more and read the entire article.

Blessed Earth Good Steward Worksheet for Students

Picture courtesy of blessedearth.org

This Good Steward Worksheet was designed by Blessed Earth to help students develop sustainable practices around their campuses. It offers ideas and goals for students to work towards in the short and long term. To read or download the Good Steward Worksheet, click here.

Women Faith Leaders Call for Safer Cosmetic Industry

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This is a press release stating why these women faith leaders are calling for better oversight of chemicals in cosmetics and what they believe should be done. Chloe Schwabe, environmental health program manager at the National Council of Churches, said “Scripture tells us that we were made in God’s image. Yet when we use personal care products such as lotion, deodorant, and body wash we apply an average of 100 chemicals on our body daily which are linked to chronic disease, cancer, and reproductive harm. In order to protect God’s handiwork, we must reform the 1938 Cosmetics law so that the FDA can guarantee the safety of everyday cosmetics.” To read this entire press release, click here.

Healthy Toy Database

Picture courtesy of creationjustice.org.

Creation Justice Ministries has posted a website to assist parents in avoiding harmful chemicals in children’s toys and other items they regularly come in contact with. To read this article and the items listed, click here.

Blessed Earth Directors Answer Tough Creation Care Questions

Picture courtesy of blessedearth.org

 God ‘Making All Things New’ Doesn’t Mean Christians Can Ignore the Environment is an article written by Nancy Sleeth, the managing director for Blessed Earth. The article focuses on the best way to respond to tough questions Christians may have about creation care. To read the entire article, click here.

Caring for God’s Creation: Climate Change 101

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Climate Change 101 is a resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It offers basic facts on climate change, actions that need to be taken, and resources to learn more about different aspects of this environmental issue. To download and read this entire document, click here.

Green Purchasing

Picture courtesy of greenfaith.org

Picture courtesy of greenfaith.org

GreenFaith has created an opportunity for religious institutions to buy sustainable products at a discounted price. Their inspiration behind this idea is their belief that financial constraints should not hinder environmental stewardship activities. To learn more about Green Purchasing, click here.

Food and Faith

Picture courtesy of greenfaith.org

GreenFaith has produced a guide for sustainable food for religious institutions called Repairing Eden. It outlines food actions that religious schools and houses of faith should consider. They also partnered with the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future to produce the Good Food Toolkit. It provides a food audit to assist faith communities in improving their food work.  To read or download  Repairing Eden and the Good Food Toolkit, click here.

Earth Ministry Resource on Faith Communities Opposing Coal Exports

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Faith and Coal Export is a handout from Earth Ministry. It gives reasons why faith communities should oppose coal exporting and the damages it can cause. To read the full document, click here.

Environmental Health and Toxins Initiative

Picture courtesy of creationjustice.org.

Environmental Health and Toxins Initiative is a campaign from Creation Justice Ministries. It focuses on providing education and advocacy opportunities for people of faith on environmental health issues. To learn more about this campaign, click here.