Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Statement on President Trump Action on Paris Climate Agreement

Picture courtesy of episcopalchurch.org

The Episcopal Church Bishop issued a statement full of disappointment on President Trump’s decision to withdrawal the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. He stated that Psalm 24 teaches us that the whole world belongs to God and human beings have been charged with being caretakers and stewards of God’s creation. To read the full statement, click here.

Official Denominational Environmental Webpage – Episcopal

EpEN Logo

Photo Credit: http://www.eenonline.org/

The Episcopal ecological Network is the Eco-based resource for the Episcopal faith. Their home website, found here, contains information on how churches and congregations can become more environmentally friendly and aware. They do this through a three part program involving reflection, education, and action.

Environmental Statement – Episcopal Church


Photo Credit: http://eenonline.org/

The Episcopal Church has issued multiple environmental statements over the years. Their foundational statement in the 1990’s was released in parts. The first part discussed environmental policy, and what must be done to preserve creation. The full policy piece can be found here. The second part addressed taking action through the church. It involves advocacy, leadership involvement, and education. This part can be read in full detail here.

All information regarding the Episcopal Ecological Network can be found here.