The Young Evangelicals for Climate Action are going to COP 23, which is a framework convention on climate change in Bonn, Germany. This meeting will be the first time the world has gathered to implement the Paris Climate Agreement since the U.S. government announced its intention to withdraw. They are going to stand with those who are suffering, to bear witness to the church’s concern for God’s world, and to take action to respond to climate change with love and compassion. To read more or receive their daily email updates, click here.
Paris Climate Agreement
Evangelical Environmental Network Response to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement
The Evangelical Environment Network released a statement after President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United Stated from the Paris Climate Agreement. “President Trump has acted against climate action. If your response is inaction, then you are with President Trump and against what God is calling each of us to: overcoming climate change while creating sustainable prosperity for all.” To read the entire statement, click here.
Church World Service Response to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement
Church World Service released a statement after the announcement that the United Stated will withdraw from the Paris agreement: “CWS strongly condemns President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Coming at a time when the world is facing its largest humanitarian and refugee crisis since World War II, this decision will directly impact impoverished and vulnerable communities around the world and in the United States that are already facing the consequences of a changing climate.” To read the entire statement, click here.
Creation Justice Ministries and National Council of Churches Response to Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal
Creation Justice Ministries and the National council of Churches made a joint statement of disappointment and sorrow at President Trump’s announcement that the United States will withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. “We believe this withdrawal endangers a sustainable future, departs from the will of the whole world, and breaks the Great Commandment to love God and neighbor.” To read the entire statement, click here.
Young Evangelicals on Paris Withdrawal
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action made a statement saying President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement is a moral travesty. They stated that the decision not only damages America’s reputation abroad, but its economic competitiveness in the coming clean energy revolution. To read the full statement, click here.
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Statement on President Trump Action on Paris Climate Agreement
The Episcopal Church Bishop issued a statement full of disappointment on President Trump’s decision to withdrawal the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. He stated that Psalm 24 teaches us that the whole world belongs to God and human beings have been charged with being caretakers and stewards of God’s creation. To read the full statement, click here.
Catholic News Service Calls President Trump’s Decision to Abandon Paris Climate Agreement “Deeply Troubling”
In an article on the Catholic News Service, Chairman of the U.S Bishops Committee stated that the U.S not honoring the Paris Climate Agreement is deeply troubling. Bishop Cantu stated that although the Paris Agreement is not the only possibly way to address climate change, he “can only hope that the president will propose concrete ways to address global climate change and promote environmental stewardship.” To read the entire article from Catholic New Service, click here.
Catholic Climate Covenant Statement on Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
Catholic Climate Covenant made an official statement of responses from Catholic leaders on the United States withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. Their statement describes how disappointed they are in the decision and signatures from 12 Catholic leaders. To read the entire statement, click here.
Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences Statement on Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement
Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Science made a statement after President Trump made the decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. It claimed that “As Muslims, we believe humans have been entrusted as stewards upon the Earth and as such are saddened and disappointed by President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris agreement. We commend and support all the countries, organizations and American states who remain committed to the agreement and are indeed willing to surpass the targets.” To read more on the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Science website, click here.
Catholic Relief Services Disappointed in Decision to Pull Out of Paris Climate Agreement
Catholic Relief Services made a statement after President Trump made the decision to pull the Unites States out of the Paris Climate Agreement saying that they were greatly disappointed and, “People around the world – especially those who contribute least to global warming, will be worse off because of today’s decision.” To read more on CRS and their response, click here.