Applying to HRS Programs

Graduate and Professional Admissions Application Guide

The purpose of the information below is to provide HRS applicants with clear guidance on how to navigate the application process for Graduate and Professional Admissions at The Ohio State University. This includes step-by-step instructions on how to start the online application, what to include in each section, and general tips for a successful submission. The guide covers important steps such as sending transcripts, listing prerequisite courses, writing a personal statement, and understanding the interview and admission notification processes. It aims to clarify each part of the application to help applicants present their qualifications effectively and meet all necessary requirements. Finally, Graduate and Professional Admissions has created videos to assist applicants with different parts of the application. 

Getting Started

  1. Access the Online Application:
  2. Login Information:
    • Current OSU students: Use your OSU last name.# and password.
    • Select “Undergraduate Professional” and type in your major in the Academic Program/Plan box.
  3. Application Tabs:
    • Save your information often – you can always go back and make changes before you submit.

Academic Data Tab

  • University Credits Outside of OSU: If you have earned credits outside OSU, send updated transcripts to Graduate & Professional (G&P) Admissions.
    • Electronically: (preferred)
    • Mail: The Ohio State University Imaging Center, Graduate/Professional Admissions, 281 W. Lane Ave, Columbus, OH 43210
    • If taking summer classes, send an official transcript once a grade is earned.
  • OSU Advising Report: You do not need to attach this to your application.
  • TOEFL/IELTS: Leave this section blank unless you have taken those tests.

Course Data Tab

  • Listing Pre-Requisite Courses: List all pre-requisite courses for your intended major.
    • For in-progress or future courses, leave the grade blank and estimate the completion date.
    • AP Exam Credit: List the course as it appears on your OSU Advising Report. Use “EM” for grade earned.
    • Transfer Credit: Use “K” as the grade to indicate transfer credit.

Program Data Tab

  • Involvement and Experiences: List clubs, organizations, volunteer opportunities, observation experiences, and leadership roles.
    • Use resume style with bullet points due to character limits.
    • Highlight transferable skills.
    • Employment does not have to be healthcare-related.

Personal Statement

  • Content and Quality: Show your writing skills, interest in the program, and relevant experiences.
    • Proofread and have at least one person review your statement.
    • The Writing Center offers consultations (Smith Lab).
    • Focus on quality over quantity (300-word limit or 1500 characters).
    • Refer to specific observation experiences and what you learned.
    • Avoid general statements like “helping people”; focus on specifics.

General Guidelines

  • Observation Hours: Required for Radiologic Sciences & Therapy – 8 hours per specialty. Observation Information
  • Applying to Multiple Programs: Consider applying to more than one program, which may require separate applications.
    • Tailor personal statements specific to each major.
    • Applying to multiple programs does not hurt your chances.

After You Apply

  1. Confirmation:
    • Receive a confirmation email from G&P Admissions (automated, takes about a day or two).
    • Confirm receipt via your Buckeyelink account by checking your application status.
  2. Interviews:
    • Check the pre-major weekly email for interview workshops.
    • All programs interview except Health Sciences and Medical Laboratory Science.
    • Keep a journal of observation hours to reference during interviews.
  3. Admission Decision:
    • University policy requires official notification of admission decisions. Check your OSU email or Applicant Center for updates.
    • Advisors and Admissions Coordinators cannot share the admissions decision.