Upcoming Qualtrics Changes

If you use Qualtrics for research or administrative purposes, you may be affected by upcoming changes to the system.  You can learn more about the changes and take further steps based on the information below:


HSL Survey Request

The Health Sciences Library is planning to offer a workshop/information on data management. In order to provide information of interest to our faculty and researchers, we need your feedback to address your data management information needs.

 Please fill out the quick survey listed below (appx 1 minute) by August 31, 2016. Questions? Contact Kerry Dhakal (.9)

 Thank you.


Qualtrics Flash Friday presentation

David Merriman presented a virtual workshop on Friday, November 6, in which participants learned a few tips and tricks in Qualtrics, Ohio State’s new survey system.  David has become a Qualtrics pro while working with this versatile and easy-to-use survey tool.  He’ll share a few of the truly useful things faculty and staff often ask about, like how to create a scored quiz, email responses to survey creators and survey respondents, insert a customized banner for a survey, and prepare a survey to meet IRB requirements.  View a recording of his presentation if you missed it the first time around.

Are you preparing a survey for data collection that needs IRB approval?  Here are a few things to remember:

1.  You may want your survey to be anonymized, which means all identifying information including the respondents IP address will be removed from the survey.  View some simple directions for anonymzing your survey.

2.  The IRB may ask you to be sure that your respondents can skip any question they don’t feel comfortable asking (which means any question in your survey).  Therefore, you cannot force them to respond before submitting their survey, but to prevent them from skipping a question by accident, you can ask them if they are sure they meant to skip that question by “requesting a response.”  Find out how to do that in the Qualtrics documentation.

3.  The IRB will want to know what kind of survey system you are using to collect data to confirm that your survey responses are secure and your survey respondents are protected.  The College of Nursing has boilerplate language, or a template, to help you describe Qualtrics on your IRB application, and you can find that in the college’s Sharepoint repository.

Do you have questions about Qualtrics and how to use it?  Please contact David or any one of the CON-IT team members at CON-IT@osu.edu.  We look forward to working with you!

Faculty Voting Process in Checkbox

In an attempt to streamline the voting process at CON faculty meetings, we have been placing password-protected surveys on Checkbox. To better prepare faculty for this, we have created a test survey open to anyone with a CON username and password. Faculty may access it at http://go.osu.edu/con-test-survey and take it as many times as needed to ensure it works on all of their computers, tablets, and mobile devices.

Here are some further instructions.

First, for Internet Explorer usersChoose About Internet Explorer

If you are using Internet Explorer, it will *not* work properly if it’s version 11.

To check on this, click on the little “cog” (usually on the top right of the window) and choose About Internet Explorer. (If you see a Help menu, you can also click on that and look for About Internet Explorer.)

If it says 11, please use another web browser (such as Firefox or Chrome).

Vote early, vote often…

1) When we give you a link to a survey, you’ll need to log in to vote.

Here is the link to the test survey mentioned earlier: http://go.osu.edu/con-test-survey

(Unlike the actual votes for faculty meetings, you may “stuff the ballot” for this test survey. Try it out on whatever devices you may think you’ll bring to a faculty meeting.)

2) Your username is your CON username, *without* osucon\

Put in your password, and then click on the Log In button. Pressing Enter on your keyboard will not work.

Enter username, password, and click on Log In

3) Place your vote (approve or do not approve the item in question) and click on the Finish button.

Choose an option and click on Finish

Please get in touch with us at CON-InformationTechnology@osu.edu if you have any questions about this.