Resources for Carmen Courses

Are you working on your Carmen course content for the upcoming semester? The Office of Distance Education and eLearning has some useful templates and information you might be interested in.  Check these out!

Review an online course

This is an online form you can use for a self-evaluation of your online course or ask a peer to use to provide feedback for you.  It is more concise than the Quality Matters rubric and covers teaching practices of individual instructors. It can also be used as a general guideline for knowing what makes an online course and an online instructor “good.”

Log in to Carmen first in order to access the Canvas Commons resources below.

Student Resources at Ohio State

Provide information to your students about services related to academic success, tech help, community resources, and health.  This resource imports as a Content Page in your Carmen course and can be placed in Modules.

Student Online Readiness Module

Help your students understand what the expectations are in online learning.  Keep the parts of the module you like and delete the rest.

Template for a fully online course

This template is a good place to begin in Carmen with any online course development, and it also serves as a good model for revision or reorganization of existing fully online courses.  You’ll be asked to log in with your university credentials to view this template. If you want to see it in action in your own view of Carmen, create a master course, and import the template into it.

Looking for more Carmen templates?

Try going to Canvas Commons, uncheck the “Show Public Resources” button, and enter the terms OSU Carmen in the search field.  You’ll find templates from a basic homepage to a resource-heavy course.  Browse the available course models and see if one seems right for you.  Create as many master courses as you need to import the templates you are interested in.

Carmen – Copy course material

  1. Go into Carmen and enter the destination course.
  2. Click on “Edit Course”.
  3. Click on Import/Export/Copy Components.
  4. Under Copy Components from another Org Unit, click Search for offering.
  5. Type in the course number (or leave blank to see all courses) and click on the magnifying glass.
  6. Check the button next to the course and click on Add Selected.
  7. Click on Copy All Components (to copy everything) or choose Select Components to pick and choose what to copy.  Generally, copying all components is a good choice for moving from one semester to the next.
  8. Wait while the course components copy.
  9. You will see a green checkmark when the copying is finished. (If you don’t, see the NOTE below.)
  10. Click on View Content or any other link in the navbar to see what’s been copied over.

NOTE: If the course copy process produced an error, stop and send an email to with the following information:

  1. The course name and number in parentheses as it appears in Carmen that you are copying into (the new course).
  2. The course name and number in parentheses as it appears in Carmen that are copying from (the old course).
  3.  A screenshot of the error or the text of the error message you received.

Errors in course copying are sometimes caused by blank content modules or submodules in the old course from which you are copying, or they can be caused by content files that are “broken.”  Look for red exclamation marks in your Carmen Content items in the old course.  Removing those items may resolve the error encountered during the course copy process.

Red exclamation in Carmen Content