Alumni Snapshot – Charles Hairston

Charles Hairston graduated in 2013 with a BFA in Art, focused in Art & Technology. He is a Producer and Motion Graphics Designer at the Ohio Channel, a service of Ohio’s public broadcasting stations. He is also the Creative Director and Founder of Faesis.

Charles recently presented his work and his career path at “Art & Tech Career Talk” for the undergraduate students in Studio Practice, taught by Amy Youngs. He discussed the work he does at his day job, how he landed that job, which began as a paid internship, and how he slowly, but surely, built his own creative content agency in Columbus, Ohio. He started before he even graduated from Ohio State University and, though he recently changed its name from Nuge to Faesis, the focus is still on producing visual storytelling content in the form of videos, motion graphics, branding, and illustration.

Charles Hairston shared his journey with the students, his philosophy of networking, and the importance of valuing – and getting paid for – the creative work one does.

An example of a video story he has made for the musician Andy Milne. His company’s list of clients includes The Columbus Foundation, Making Midwest Fest, Medical Mutual, Artfluential, and The Ohio State University.