Greg Pace, a member of the Clintonville (Ohio) Solar Energy Co-op and a certified photovoltaic installer, presents “Energy Freedom through Local Solar Co-ops” on March 25 at ATI, CFAES’s two-year degree-granting branch in Wooster. He’ll look at non-traditional ways for community groups to finance — and significantly cut the cost of — home solar energy systems. Details.
solar energy
Distributed energy powers up in Ohio
More and more farms, schools, and businesses in Ohio are producing their own renewable energy — through onsite wind and solar systems, for instance, which collectively go by the name distributed energy. And more and more, CFAES’s statewide outreach arm, OSU Extension, is lending its expertise to help them do it. Read the story …
Study: How cities can be energy self-reliant
Cleveland and cities like it could get all their energy from local renewable sources, says a recent OARDC study. Doing this, the study’s authors say, would create new jobs, keep millions in the cities’ economies, and benefit the environment. Read the story.
‘Opportunities, challenges’ for Ohio green energy
Read more about OARDC’s upcoming Renewable Energy Workshop here.
Stacks of wax: The Renewable Energy Workshop’s back catalog
To see what the Nov. 8 Renewable Energy Workshop is about, or to catch up if you’ve missed any of the past four years, check it out: Here are many of the presentations (slides and audio) from 2011 (scroll down slightly), 2010, 2009, and 2008.
Renewable Energy Workshop is Nov. 8 at OARDC in Wooster
OARDC will hold a renewable energy workshop in Wooster Nov. 8. The focus: Wind, solar, and bioenergy. It’s a great chance to hear directly from the experts and, in the afternoon, to visit three places where they’re putting renewable energy into practice. Get the complete program and signup details here (pdf). Note: Register by Nov. 2 and save $10.
Island’s solar picture(s)
More pictures of Stone Lab’s new solar electricity panels are here, here, and here.
Island in the sun
Stone Lab, which is our island campus on Gibraltar Island at Put-in-Bay on Lake Erie, has added solar power. Read the story.
Coming Monday, clean energy’s ‘next 50 years’
“Clean energy will define our future. … Public and land-grant universities will define clean energy.” So says the website for a national conference on energy challenges starting this Monday in Columbus. The focus is how public and land-grant universities (such as Ohio State) (thanks to 150 years of the Morrill Act) can solve those challenges. Ohio State is the host and a sponsor.
Green energy? New 2-year program here
Ohio State’s Agricultural Technical Institute, a part of our college in Wooster, now offers a two-year degree program in renewable energy. Students in the program specialize in bioenergy or in solar energy and wind energy, complete a paid internship, and gain the skills they need to go on to successful careers in the industry. That industry, say the program’s organizers, is projected to grow worldwide nearly 10 times from 2007 to 2030, to $630 billion. Printable fact sheet here (pdf).